USITT Adds Hotels in Phoenix |
USITT appreciates the many people who have already chosen to use the Housing Bureau to make reservations for the 2007 Annual Conference & Stage Expo in Phoenix, Arizona. Because of this increased demand, we have added more hotels to give choices to people who have not already booked. Most rooms at the Conference headquarters hotel, the Hyatt Regency, are already spoken for, but the historic Hotel San Carlos, and Springhill Suites by Marriott provide attractive alternatives.
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ETCP Exam Deadline Extended |
Anyone planning to take the ETCP exams as part of the USITT Annual Conference & Stage Expo has a few more days to sign up. The ETCP Council has extended the application deadline to February 9, 2007 for all three exams: Entertainment Electrician, Arena Rigging and Theatre Rigging. Space is limited, so submit your application today! Those who pass these rigorous tests will become ETCP Certified - and will be recognized as the industry's best.
Examinations will be held March 17, 2007.
The electrical certifications are designed for highly experienced electricians (including leads, supervisors, and managers of entertainment electrical work). The rigging certifications are designed for highly experienced riggers (rigging supervisors, high steel riggers, fly-persons, etc).
An applicant who is accepted to sit for the exam but ends up with a last minute job, has up to one year to take the exam at a computer testing center or at another paper and pencil administration.
Candidate information, including eligibility requirements and applications, is available on the ETCP website.
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Texas Tech Theatre Fire |
We offer our deepest concern to Fred Christoffel, the faculty, staff, and students at Texas Tech University who are recovering from a fire January 17 in their Charles E. Maedgen Jr. Theatre which reportedly started in the stage area of the building. Preliminary damage estimates are $800,000 to $1 million.
Meetings are already underway to assess what happens next, and Mr. Christoffel wrote to alumni and friends of the school "As for now, production rehearsals are going on, classes are being taught and in fine tradition, we of the Department of Theatre and Dance continue to do what we do, we persevere and go on."
Main contact number for the department remains the same, and Mr. Christoffel says he is happy to answer questions at
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Brockman Moves to Wisconsin |
Anyone trying to reach Past President Bruce Brockman can now find him at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee's Peck School of the Arts, Department of Theatre. We congratulate him on the move.
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Officers and Others Visit Office |
Early in January, the USITT Office in Syracuse, New York was filled to bursting point when members of the Finance Committee, 21st Century discussion group leaders, and ballot counters came to town.
The office staff was glad to see President Sylvia Hillyard Pannell, Treasurer Larry Hill, Secretary Pat Dennis, VP-Communications Bobbi Owen, VP-Programming Carl Lefko, Immediate Past President John Uthoff, Past President Bill Byrnes, Sherri Wagner-Henry, and Tom Clancy. Election results are posted elsewhere in this issue, with further reports in upcoming issues.
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Correction |
We apologize to Rick Stephens because an item in the January issue of Sightlines was not as helpful as we hoped it would be. Mr. Stephens and USITT's Archives Committee were seeking information about the person in the photo below. However, in the January issue Mr. Stephens e-mail address was incorrect. If you can help identify this gentleman, please e-mail

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