Commission Offers
PDW on Emphasis/WYSIWYG
Co-Commissioner, Lighting Commission
On the day before the official start of the
2005 Annual Conference & Stage Expo -- Tuesday,
March 15, 2005 from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m., the Lighting
Commission is offering a special Professional
Development Workshop, Advanced WYSIWYG/Emphasis
This is an exciting opportunity to receive in-depth
training in Emphasis/WYSIWYG. This session is not
intended for inexperienced WYG users. Participants
will be working in teams of three with a maximum
of 18 participants. Each team will have an Emphasis
mentor assigned to them.
The morning session
will focus on the application of Emphasis into
the design. There will be three possible selections
of music from which each team will select for
their show. The afternoon will be devoted to pre-cueing
the design to the music in Emphasis. Each team
will have its own Emphasis System and Face Plate.
That evening, each team will present its design
on a small rig to be evaluated by their
peers and a USITT panel of judges.
Participants will be sent a questionnaire
to help evaluate and determine team assignments. Participant fee is $300 and observer
fee is $100. The 18 seats are filling up fast.
Questions concerning the PWD should be sent
to Buddy Combs at
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