Deadline January 5
One of the
many ways USITT helps students is through the
Young Designers' Forum.
This is a great outlet for
a select number of final-year graduates to test
the waters and begin to make their way into the
business. As in the past, the Forum will be held
Friday and Saturday at the 45th Annual Conference & Stage
Expo. Dates for 2005 are March 18 and 19.
This is
a golden opportunity for students to display
their work in a public forum and get the chance
to discuss it with designers and directors already
working in the field. Previous participants have
had their work included in the Prague Quadrennial.
Students who have participated in the past have
been unanimous in their praise; many have made
contacts that they would not otherwise have made.
Start thinking now about putting your portfolio
together for this event.
Participation is limited
to no more that 15 students and is determined
by faculty nomination and juried selection.
A small fee is required with the application,
and all participants must be members of USITT.
Students selected for participation in the Young
Designers' Forum will have their conference fee
waived. Deadline for submission of work is January
5, 2005.
Visit the USITT website to
download an application or call the USITT office
at 800-938-7488 to have one sent to you. For more
information, contact: Dick Block at 412-268-7219,
e-mail rblock@andrew.cmu.edu, or Tim Saternow
at 860-486-4185, e-mail tim.saternow@uconn.edu.
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Those selected to participate
in the 2005 Young Designers' Forum will be able
to meet individually with noted designers and directors.
The work of those chosen for the Young Designers'
Forum is also put on display for all attending the
Conference to see.