Helen Willard
Stage Expo Sales Manager
Commercial and Non-Commercial tables are still
available for Stage Expo 2005.
Commercial tables
cost $800 and Non-Commercial tables cost $600
for a six-foot table and two chairs on a carpeted
space at Stage Expo. Each table space reservation
also includes two full-conference exhibitor
Commercial Tables are designed
for small or start-up companies whose products
or services may be displayed in a table space.
The opportunity to exhibit at a Commercial Table
makes it possible for small companies to test
the USITT market at a reasonable cost. Several
companies who started exhibiting in a table space
have upgraded to a 10-by-10 foot booth.
tables may be selected by USITT organizational
members whose company's annual gross sales
are less than $250,000 or whose sales in the performing
arts market, as determined by USITT, are less
than $100,000. In order to qualify for a Commercial
Table, organizations must submit a statement from
a CPA or attorney acknowledging that the company/organization
meets either qualification.
Non-Commercial Tables
are designed for colleges, universities, and
other non-profit theatre groups to promote their
programs at the conference. A Stage Expo table
is a great way for staff and faculty from undergraduate
and graduate theatre programs to meet students
who may be interested in their programs. Some
groups use their Non-Commercial Table to advertise
openings for internships and staff positions.
Tables may be selected by USITT Organizational
Members whose company or organization operates
with a not-for-profit status. All public educational
institutions are qualified to select a Non-Commercial
Table. Other organizations that meet the qualifications
must include a statement from a CPA or attorney
acknowledging that the company/organization
meets the qualification or provide copies of appropriate
IRS documentation.
New table guidelines were developed
last year to insure that each of the eight table
exhibitors in each cluster of tables is able to
fully utilize the space for which they have paid.
An eight-by-eight foot draped storage space located
in the center of each cluster is provided for
the eight table exhibitors to share. Each exhibitor's
responsibility is to be a "good neighbor"
to adjacent exhibitors, and exhibit operations
must be conducted so as not to trespass upon the
rights of other exhibitors.
who wishes to reserve a table should contact
Helen Willard, Stage Expo Sales Manager, at hpwillard@aol.com.
Preliminary list of exhibitors for
Stage Expo 2005, as of September 15, 2004 |
- a.c.t lighting, inc.
- university of alabama
- american harlequin corporation
- apollo design technology, inc.
- university of arizona
- automatic devices company
- barbizon lighting company
- ben nye company
- boston university
- brandeis university
- california institute of the arts
- california state university fullerton
- california state university, los angeles
- carnegie mellon school of drama
- cast software ltd.
- checker industrial products inc.
- university of cincinnati
- city theatrical, inc.
- j.r. clancy
- clark transfer, inc.
- clear-com communication systems
- cobalt studios
- coffing hoists
- columbus mcKinnon
- dazian llc
- d&b audiotechnik
- university of delaware
- designlab chicago
- dodger costume rental
- edgeView software
- electronic theatre controls (etc)
- engineering harmonics inc.
- entertainment design/lighting dimensions/ets-ldi
- entertainment services and technology association
- entertainment technology
- farthingales
- fsu school of theatre
- future light
- gala
- gamproducts, iNC.
- glimmerglass opera
- h&h specialties inc.
- iatse
- iatse local one
- illinois state university
- university of illinois, urbana-champaign
- indiana university
- insul-8 corporation
- irwin seating company
- kryolan corporation
- lee filters
- leprecon
- lex products corp.
- lightronics, inc.
- limelight productions, inc.
- make-up designory
- mdg fog generators ltd.
- mehron inc.
- meyer sound
- minnesota state university, mankato
- university of minnesota, twin cities
- nemetschek n.a.
- university of nevada, las vegas
- norcostco inc.
- north carolina school of the arts
- the university of north carolina at chapel hill
- ontario staging limited
- opera america
- pathway connectivity
- penn state university
- period corsets by kaufman-davis studio, inc.
- pop-out furniture
- production intercom inc.
- purdue university
- rosco
- rose brand
- sapsis rigging inc.
- santa fe opera
- savannah college of art & design
- secoa, inc.
- selecon usa
- serapid scenic technologies, inc.
- show distribution group inc.
- shure incorporated
- smooth-on, inc.
- southern illinois university at carbondale
- stage directions
- stage research, inc.
- stageright corporation
- steeldeck, inc.
- steppenwolf theatre company
- strand lighting inc.
- strong entertainment lighting
- syracuse scenery & stage lighting co., inc.
- texas tech university
- theatre arts video library
- thematics
- thern inc.
- james thomas engineering
- tulane university
- union connector
- united scenic artists local 829 iatse
- utah shakespearean festival
- walt disney entertainment
- wayne state university theatres
- wenger corporation
- university of wisconsin, milwaukee
- wybron, inc.
- yale school of drama