Costume Site Now
Easier to Find and Navigate
Laura Crow
Head, OISTAT Costume Working Group
The Costume Working Group
of OISTAT (The International Organization of Scenographers,
Architects and Technicians) can now be found online
at www.costumes.uconn.edu.
This is a new, more user-friendly web address
minus the tilde ( ~ ) that some people
had trouble locating on their keyboards.
The menu
has also changed slightly to be more compatible
with the overall OISTAT website.
On the Costume Working Group
website are a number of international resources
available to USITT members. Items are grouped
on the left side of the page with links to the
OISTAT Scenography Commission site and the OISTAT
organizational website. These help keep people
informed of the latest plans for OISTAT functions
and meetings.
A second menu shows addresses
for working group members from 45 countries including
e-mail addresses when available. All those on
the list are committed to be a resource to others
who wish information. Each member has an interest
in cultural exchange and can read English.
Also on the site are minutes
and images from recent events including the Prague
Quadrennial 2003 winners for Costume Design, the
Costume Found Object Workshop in Prague, and the
Parade of Dramatic Characters that were central
to the 2003 Prague Quadrennial. Information and
minutes from the Cuba Carnival Costume Symposium
held in July 2004 are also available.
A small costume
designer database on the site includes pioneering
work in computer generated costume design as well
as the work of three Cuban Carnival costume designers:
Jose de Jesus Limia Castillo, more commonly called "Pepin,"
from Santiago de Cuba; Maria Luisa Bernal, from
Camaguey and now residing in Santiago de Cuba;
and "Chucko" from
Havana. Depicted are some of Ms. Bernal's
carnival costumes created with the beads she scavenged
from the New Orleans Mardi Gras in 2002.
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