Call for Poster
Session Abstracts
David Krajec
Poster Session Chair
So what are you waiting
USITT's Education Commission will present
its fifth annual Education Poster Session at
Toronto's 2005 Annual Conference & Stage
The session's goal is to disseminate
information about new, exciting, or re-thought
innovations in teaching methodology and pedagogy.
The information contained in the poster can cover
any area of interest to the theatre educator including
new techniques, new solutions to old problems,
old solutions to new problems, results from research,
Posters will be juried by a
committee. These poster sessions are recognized
by many educational institutions as being equivalent
to paper presentations and qualify as scholarly
A typed abstract should be
submitted by January 15, 2005. Abstracts should
be no longer than 200 words and should provide
a brief but concise summary of the information
presented in the poster. Abstracts should be submitted
by e-mail to:
For more information,
contact David R. Krajec, Cardinal Stritch University,
6801 N. Yates Rd., Box 101, Milwaukee, WI 53217;
phone: 414-410-4170; fax: 414-410-4111.
The jury
committee will review all abstracts and may
contact authors for clarification or modification.
The committee reserves the right to refuse a paper
due to space limitations. As has been proved
by the popularity of the Costume Commission poster
session, this is an enjoyable format for sharing
new ideas and techniques.
So what are you waiting
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