Commission Launches New Sightlines Column
Carolyn Satter
Management Commissioner
Every year the popularity
of the USITT Management Roundtable grows. It is
a gathering of students, teachers, professional
stage and production managers, and many others
who bring to the session work place situations
and challenges that transcend theatres and work
place personalities across the country.
Roundtable is not intended to be a gripe session but a
presentation of numerous scenarios posed to the
attendees to elicit creative and practical solutions
to the issues we all share, both in professional
and educational theatre.
The USITT Annual Conference & Stage
Expo offers a regeneration of the energies that
carry all of us through the year. With this edition
of Sightlines, the Management Commission
announces a new column - "Dear
Professor Production – a Q & A" which
continues the conversations of the round table
experience and energy. A team of professional
stage and production managers are ready and willing
to respond to the questions offered.
Students and
professionals alike are encouraged to write! Topics
can cover any area of management. Stage managing
your peers and working with faculty directors
is one topic that continues to come up each year.
What about using technology to help enhance your
communication process? How about that "should I or shouldn't I join Equity" topic
that is always on the minds of student stage managers?
difficulties in the work place are not specific
to the student and/or the professional. The
collective talent among the Management Commission
members offers this column as an additional tool in mentoring
those of us in the business of managing people
and projects.
You are encouraged to send
questions by the 25th of each month to
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