To Tempt in Toronto
Lori Hartenhoff
Costume Design & Technology Vice-Commissioner for
The Costume Design & Technology
Commission offers a great variety of topics for
the Toronto 2005 Annual Conference & Stage
Whether you work in education or professional
theatre, design or technology, several sessions
are sure to interest you. Each day offers
something for everyone.
On Wednesday, March 16, Canada's
own Linda Sparks, the owner of Farthingales, will
give an undercover look at undergarments in "Basics
of Period Underwear." Many samples of bustles,
corsets, petticoats, and crinolines will be available.
will help illustrate such things as the difference
between an Elizabethan corset and a Victorian
corset and what makes a crinoline not a
petticoat. Come benefit from Ms. Sparks' expertise
annual Costume Design & Technology Commission
Meeting, in its new interactive format, follows
on Wednesday evening. Costume artisans are encouraged
to attend, share ideas, learn about upcoming programming,
symposia and costume projects, and network with
new and old friends.
Thursday evening, several
costume design educators with very active freelance
careers, will lead "Developing The Costume Design
Idea." Gweneth West, Laura Crow, Marianne Custer,
and Susan Tsu will share their creative process
and guide participants in a sketching session.
and Jason Tollefson will get everyone inspired
bright and early Friday with "Online Portfolios:
Where Do I Start?" Whether a student, professor,
or freelance costumer, this session should help
lessen the stress of creating a digital record
of your work. The pair will answer questions and
make the digital transition less intimidating.
To Top  |
Conference sessions presented by
all the commissions, including the Costume Design & Technology
Commission, always draw audiences willing to work and/or listen. |