to Update
Costume Program Info
Judy Adamson
Costume Design & Technology Commission
It's easier to find
the Survey of
Costume Programs on the newly
designed USITT web site. Now, instead of clicking
through Commissions, you can access the survey
through the Online Resource heading on the home
The Costume Commission will
seek new and up-dated information beginning in
mid-September and continuing through mid-October.
Schools already represented in the survey will
receive a reminder that it is time to update information.
Please respond in a timely manner.
It is important
to reply even if all the information is correct.
The date of the last revision will be reflected
in the entry.
To make corrections, choose the following option that works best:
- E-mail your verifications or corrections
to Judy Adamson: jadamson@email.unc.edu.
- Print your page, make corrections, and send
it via mail to: Judy Adamson, CB# 3230, Center
for Dramatic Art, University of North Carolina,
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3230.
- Fill out and submit the blank questionnaire within the
survey. "How to add your school to the
survey." You will receive verification
that your information has been received.
Last year, 100 percent of
the information in the survey was accurate within
two years. It is imperative that the survey be
current when published on the Internet. Schools
with outdated information that do not update
their information will be removed from the listings.
The Survey
Index is organized alphabetically and by regions
of the country. Within each region the schools
are listed by state. Each school has provided
information including: degrees offered; faculty
and staff in the costume design and technology
area; the strengths and areas of concentration,
for example, pattern-making, design, wigs and
hair, or construction; and contact information
with address and phone. If e-mail information
is given, the dialog box allows you to send
a message within the survey. If schools have provided
web sites, these are also linked from the survey.
Because the survey impartially
reports the information given in the questionnaire,
it is an excellent resource for high school students
looking for an undergraduate program, for the
undergraduate looking for a graduate program,
and for the faculty advisor. The information provided
is enough to let students narrow their searches.
The burden is on the student to filter and access
the information.
The biggest change in the survey
since its conception is the increase of e-mail
addresses and number of web sites. It is very
user friendly for the student looking for information.
Last year only 17 schools out of 155 needed
to be contacted through regular mail.
If your
program is not represented by the survey, you
are urged to send your information. Look for "How
to Add" on the survey title page.
is no need to wait for a reminder! Check the
information and submit revisions now.
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