The Ohio Valley Regional Section will hold its Fall Conference on Saturday, October 3 at Seton Hill University. The conference includes a full day of sessions as well as tours of the new Seton Hill University Performing Arts Center in Greensburg, Pennsylvania and the nearby roadhouse, Palace Theater. Those in Cleveland will recall the tour of the Hanna Theatre and will want to share the excitement of the Seton Hill faculty and students as they move into their brand new facility. Topics for sessions cover a wide range from scene painting with Jenny Knott from Rosco; evoking emotion with costume renderings with Mary McClung from West Virginia University; taxes, 1099s and unions with Annmarie Duggan from the University of Pittsburgh; and hands-on lighting control with Pete Neal from LaFace & McGovern Associates’ Specialty Lighting Division, to name a few. For more detailed information, check the website or the soon to be e-mailed newsletter. In addition to the many sessions, portfolio reviews will be held for all design disciplines. Sign up for times at conference registration. The conference will also feature a keynote address by Dick Block, chair of the Department of Drama at Carnegie Mellon University and co-author of Scene Design and Stage Lighting (8th and 9th editions). As always with the fall conference, the Peggy Ezekiel Design Exhibit will be on display and the awards will be announced at the membership meeting. This exhibit is open to any member of the section. Check the website for details regarding the format for this year since there have been some major changes. Details will be posted on the OVS website,, in early August. Inspired by the upcoming 50th Anniversary of USITT, the section is undertaking an exciting project to gather the history of the section into one place. Tammy Honesty, VC for Programming, has created a WIKI where members can add what they know of the section's past. Visit and share recollections of the section and any personal stories. The Section is especially interested in updating the list of individuals who have received the OVS lifetime achievement award. To Top  |