Costume Symposium
Slated for Summer
Judy Adamson & Bobbi Owen
Costume Symposium Co-Chairs
Fabric Modification will be the focus when the Center for Dramatic Art hosts the 2008 USITT Costume Symposium July 30 to August 2, 2008 on the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill campus.
Several well-known USITT Costume Design & Technology Commission members will lead master classes and provide guidance in their specialties. Jeff Lieder of University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee and Utah Shakespearean Festival will share his silk screen techniques, Lori Hartenhoff of Northern Illinois University will demonstrate shibori techniques, and Colleen Muscha of Florida State University will show how to do devore printing. Janet Bloor of EuroCo Costume Company in New York will demonstrate rubberama, her technique for integrating silicone caulk into fabric.
The symposium will be limited to 40 participants. The first day will be divided into two-hour blocks with each group of 10 moving round-robin style through the various sessions. Each participant will have hands-on experience in each of the techniques and will take away finished scarves and samples.
The second day, the group will travel to Raleigh, North Carolina, to TC² and experience the latest technological advances in clothing production, including body imaging, and to North Carolina State University School of Textiles for a demonstration of modern garment and textile production. TC² created the software used by Brooks Brothers to create custom tailored suits.
On the third day, participants will be back in the Center for Dramatic Art repeating the round-robin schedule with four more sessions. Other events are being planned, including social activities.
Many meals will be provided and inexpensive housing through the University will be possible in modern accommodations. The bus service in Chapel Hill is free, so transportation within the campus and town is easy.
Click here to download the registration form. It also will be available at the Annual Conference & Stage Expo in Houston during all Costume Commission sessions. The registration deadline is May 15. A waitlist will be created if needed.
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