Costume Plot Database
Growing, Needs More Info
Kristina Tollefson
Costume Design & Technology Commission
Most on the Costume Design & Technology Commission have probably been sitting through recent season selection meetings trying to create a balanced season between large cast/costume shows and smaller, more manageable ones. It is impossible, however, to read every script being considered for every season. That was the reason for the creation of the Costume Plot Database (CPD).
The CPD ( provides casting and costuming requirements for a variety of plays. It gives Commission members the kind of information they need during season selection and saves a great deal of time.
If Costume Design & Technology Commission members pool their efforts and list this information in one location, they can stop duplicating efforts and take advantage of the work of colleagues.
There are currently 33 plays listed in the database. It is only as valuable as the number of submissions. It would be wonderful if each Costume Design & Technology Commission member could make a commitment to submit at least one show from a recent work. Submissions also could be made a requirement for student costume design projects either realized or created in the classroom.
There are two easy ways to submit a play, musical, or opera. Go to the website and click on the "Want to Help?" link. Download either the pdf or Excel version of the submission form. Fill it out and either fax it to 407-823-6446 or e-mail it to
A second way to submit is to send, via e-mail or fax, dressings lists or other documents from the play with an e-mail explaining any changes the production went through, and student assistants will compile the information in the CPD format.
If each Commission member made a commitment to submit one play each season, all would benefit.
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