Lighting Commission
Highlights Houston Sessions
Todd Studebaker
Lighting Commission
Houston will be an exciting Conference for the Lighting Commission. There are several sessions planned in the light lab. The first is Designing with LEDs where the Light Lab will look at the new innovations in LED fixtures and how they can be integrated into the design process. Next Tom Littrel will show how to program moving lights into book shows. Mr. Littrel will examine the design aspect of moving lights and how to implement them in the design process. Steve Shelley will discuss how to better use available time and personnel in completing a focus call.
There will be a session on writing the lighting text book. Craig Wolf leads the list of lighting designers who will discuss how they approach the task of writing a textbook. Some of the panelists are Linda Essig, Mr. Shelley, and Ashley Johnstone.
Another great panel session will be Are We Giving Our Students What They Need?, where professionals, educators, and students will discuss openly their wants and needs and the reality of designing lights and being a technician in today's market.
For Dance Lighting from the Days of the Crazy Horse Paris, a panel of distinguished lighting designers along with a choreographer and other designers will discuss the concepts of Alain Bernardin, a Parisian entrepreneur and lighting designer who wanted to create a show that was more striking than the traditional striptease.
Health & Safety will have a session on transformers, generators, and voltage which will explore not only the voltage in the United States but those of other countries. There will be the second in a three-part series examining international approaches to teaching lighting design. In this session, both British and Korean lighting will be explored with educators from these two countries.
Last, but by no means least, is a panel discussion on Lighting Houses of Worship/The Mega Church Age, where a panel of experts will discuss how to effectively incorporate theatrical lighting for multiple needs of music, worship, teaching, and HDTV broadcast.
Anyone interested in getting involved with the Lighting Commission, or helping to shape programming for future conferences, is urged to attend either Commission meeting.
On Friday evening the Commission is holding a reception which provides a great opportunity to unwind and catch up with friends.
The Lighting Commission leadership looks forward to seeing many new and returning members in Houston!
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