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For the Record

Winners of the Prague Quadrennial 2007 Tour Awards received congratulations from Larry Hill. From left are Nicolas Gonsman, Ben Philip, Emily Gill, Carl Walling, and Tsuen Yap.

Photo/R. Finkelstein


Applications Available for
International Travel Awards

Sandy Bonds
USITT Vice-President for International Activities

October is the perfect time for USITT individual members to consider applying for support for international travel.

The International Committee sponsors two awards for international travel with support from the Samuel H. Scripps International Fund. In odd numbered years, the award is designated for student members. In even numbered years, as for 2008, Individual/Professional members are invited to apply for projects. Deadline is December 3, 2007.

USITT supports and encourages enhancing members' global interactions through participation in OISTAT programs and the Prague Quadrennial as well as inviting international presenters to share their perspectives in conference programming. This award is designed to further facilitate international connections and understanding through theatre-related research or activities that members pursue overseas.

This honor was first bestowed in 2006, enabling award winner Frank Mohler to travel to the Czech Republic's famous theatre in Cesky Krumlov to complete his examination of the mechanical systems of extant European Baroque era theatres.

One goal of the student award is to build on an existing area of specialty by enhancing it through contacts in the wider world. A range of projects that would fulfill the specifications of this award include travel to exhibitions, productions, and collections for the purpose of research or design. As with other USITT awards, the winner will be asked to share the project with the membership through a conference session or article.

The next Individual/Professional International Travel Award for $2,500 will be granted soon. Applications are due by December 3, 2007 and the selection will be announced January 10, 2008. Travel needs to be completed within one year. For additional details and application form, click here or go to and click on the Major Activities page to find a section on Awards. For questions, contact Sandy Bonds at abonds@

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