Costume Design &
Technology Call for Posters
Now that fall productions are well underway, many have discovered new and innovative solutions to various costume problems. Why not share those solutions with others who may encounter them? How? By submitting a proposal to display your genius at the annual Costume Poster Session!
What exactly is the Costume Poster Session? This is a time when costume designers and technicians are able to share information that is probably not well-known, or perhaps of their own invention with colleagues. This includes, but is not limited to, a new solution to an old problem, a new problem and its solution, a classroom or management technique, the results of research, or other ideas, discoveries, or developments in the field of costuming. Costume Commission members are encouraged to send in any idea. What may be "old hat" to one may be a new treasure to others. An average of 200 to 250 people attend this session. It is an exciting event for the Costume Commission each year.
As an added benefit, poster presentations are widely accepted as meeting requirements for scholarly publication. Many educational institutions fund some or all personal expenses to the USITT Annual Conference & Stage Expo in Phoenix for those Commission members chosen to present a poster session. Poster presenters may also have the opportunity to publish their ideas in TD&T.
All submissions are juried by the Costume Poster Selection Committee. Ideas need to be presented in the form of an abstract (a brief, concise summary of the information to be presented in the poster) no more than 200 words typewritten. Mail, e-mail, or fax an abstract by February 1 to Donna Meester.
If all this has sparked an idea and interest in doing a poster or for more information, contact: Donna Meester, The University of Alabama,Dept. of Theatre & Dance, Box 870239, 235 Rowand-Johnson Hall, Tuscaloosa, AL 25487-0239; 205-348-9032; fax 205-348-9048; or
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