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Commercial tables like these at Stage Expo 2006, provide interesting small companies a way to partcipate.

Photo/Casey Kearns


Stage Expo Features
Non-Commercial Tables

Helen Willard
Stage Expo Sales Manager

Several Commercial and Non-Commercial tables are still available for Stage Expo 2007. Commercial tables cost $800, and Non-Commercial tables cost $600, for a 6-foot table with two chairs on a carpeted space at Stage Expo. Each table space reservation also includes two full-conference exhibitor badges.

Commercial tables are designed for small or start-up companies whose products or services may be displayed in a table space. The opportunity to exhibit at a Commercial table makes it possible for small companies to test the USITT market at a very reasonable cost. Several companies who started exhibiting in a table space have upgraded to a 10 x 10 booth.

Commercial tables may be selected by USITT organizational members whose company's annual gross sales are less than $250,000 or whose sales in the performing arts market, as determined by USITT, are less than $100,000. In order to qualify for a Commercial table, organizations must submit a statement from a CPA or attorney acknowledging that the company/organization meets either qualification.

Non-Commercial tables are designed for colleges, universities and other non-profit theatre groups to promote their programs at the conference. A Stage Expo table is a great way for undergraduate and graduate theatre programs to meet students who may be interested in their programs. Some groups use their Non-Commercial table to advertise openings for internships and staff positions.

Non-Commercial tables may be selected by USITT Organizational Members whose company or organization operates with a not-for-profit status. All public educational institutions are qualified to select a Non-Commercial table. Other organizations that meet the qualifications must include a statement from a CPA or attorney acknowledging that the company/organization meets the qualification or provide copies of appropriate IRS documentation.

There are 64 table spaces at Stage Expo 2007, with three Commercial tables and 24 Non-Commercial tables still available. If you would like to reserve a table, please send an e-mail message to

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