Step Up, Sign Up in Louisville
Lawrence J. Hill
USIYT Treasurer
USITT@50, the fundraising effort to secure the Institute's future, is in full swing but still needs follow through. There will be several opportunities to get involved at the 46th Annual Conference & Stage Expo in Louisville, Kentucky in March.
The current campaign is seeking five-year commitments from members of the Institute in support of research, international activities, student activities, and the long-term future projects of the Institute. So far, USITT has total commitments of $81,875 from 60 members. The Board of Directors has authorized a 50 percent match for funds committed before June 30, 2006.
Step Up: Join in making a positive step to build the financial principal to insure we continue the awards, grants, and programs that recognize and support the efforts of our members. Take the opportunity during the Conference in Louisville to sign a five-year letter of intention.
Sign Up: Sign a letter of intention at the triennial Art Auction in support of the Edward F. Kook Fund. The opportunity to learn more about the campaign, and the forms to participate, will be available as you peruse the exhibit and silent auction as part of Stage Expo
Come to a Meeting: On Wednesday, March 29 at 2 p.m. in Room 103 of the Kentucky International Convention Center there will be an opportunity to meet with Larry Hill, USITT Treasurer, for a session on USITT Gifting. There will be a short presentation and discussion period with the opportunity to arrange individual meetings where specific questions on USITT gifting opportunities can be discussed.
Become a brick in the foundation of the Institute's future.
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