We Are Growing!
Carolyn Satter
Management Commissioner
Ray Kroc has been quoted as saying "Are you green and growing or ripe and rotting?"
Not that the Management Commission has ever thought of itself as organic material, but some solid introspection has been happening over the past year and a half and a new direction is emerging.
It began in Long Beach with re-evaluation of the Commission's Mission Statement.
There was nothing wrong with "encourages communication for the professional growth of members." It just lacked energy. Out of the think tank evolved the following statement:
"Provides creative leadership and education to the membership of USITT resulting in strong, dynamic and effective managers"
So much of our everyday living centers on communication skills. For the first time in many years, the Management Commission brings back to the Institute techniques to assist in building a stronger personal tool box. In a few months, you will hear of and be encouraged to participate in a Louisville Professional Development Workshop on the Trends of Leadership for the 21st Century. This is just the beginning of programming focused not just on our specific constituency, but what we feel is common interest to all Institute members - the need for stronger personal skills.
In Toronto, the Commission reviewed its internal structure. With the explosion of opportunities for those with management interest in the arts in the last 10 years, the group reassessed its Vice Commission structure. Three defined emphases were added: Vice-Commissioner of Arts Administration Sherry Wagner-Henry, Vice-Commissioner of Entertainment Management Jack Feviou, and Vice-Commissioner of Technology Travis DeCastro. Each individual exhibits a strong background in the discipline and displays a keen knowledge of the specific emphasis.
There is renewed excitement within the Management Commission team. Stay tuned for evidence of "green and growing."
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