CITT to Meet in Calgary
Pushing beyond the boundaries and challenging participants to stretch themselves professionally and personally will be the focus of the 15th Annual Rendez-vous 2005 in Calgary Alberta August 9 to 14.
Sponsored by the Canadian Institute for Theatre Technology/Institut canadiendes technologies scènographiques (CITT/ICTS), the annual Rende-vous is a classic within the Canadian performing arts industry.
The event starts on Tuesday, August 9 with three professional development workshops: VectorWorks (two days); Open Space Rigging/Chain Motor School (two days); and A Workshop to "Dye For" (one day).
Thursday, August 11 is the third annual CITT/ICTS Education Forum, an annual event where people who have an interest in education for the industry meet and exchange ideas. This year's forum will be hosted by the University of Calgary.
The conference officially launches Thursday evening, August 11 with a reception at the Vertigo Mystery Theatre located at the base of the Calgary Tower followed by the ever popular and entertaining Extreme Junk Challenge.
Friday morning starts with a New Product Breakfast, after which the conference goes on the road with numerous venue tours across the city. The conference will come together again for the CITT/ICTS Corporate Luncheon and the annual CITT/ICTS Trade Show to be held in the Palomino Room of the Round-up Centre on the grounds of the Calgary Exhibition and Stampede.
Saturday, August 13 highlights include the CITT/ICTS Annual General Meeting and a full day of conference sessions on diverse topics such as Fire Retardant Standards, LEDs Technology for the Theatre, and Designing for Theatre for Young Audiences, to name a few. The evening will feature the Awards Banquet where Keynote Speaker John Murrell will challenge members to "think out of the box" about the convergence of disciplines in the performing arts. Mr. Murrell is a well-known playwright, arts advocate, and artistic director/executive producer of Theatre Arts at the Banff Centre.
Sunday, August 14 begins with a Stampede Chuckwagon Breakfast followed by a full morning of conference sessions. Rendez-vous 2005 will wrap up with a Plenary Session based on the "Beyond the Boundaries" theme. Once again through discussion and discovery, the membership will be challenged to seek creative solutions to everyday opportunities in both their personal and professional lives.
For additional information, conference updates or to register online go to and follow the links.
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