Great Discounts on Training
Michelle L. Smith
Membership & Ad Sales Manager
Entertainment Technician Certification Program (ETCP)
USITT members receive a $100 discount on the examination fees for the industry's first rigging certification exams. The ETCP rigging exams will be held on November 12 at the ETS-LDI tradeshow in Orlando. Candidates who pass the examinations will be the first ETCP Certified riggers in North America.
Individuals must meet eligibility requirements to apply. Candidate information, including eligibility requirements, the handbook, and application forms, are available on the ETCP website. To receive the discount, members must provide proof of current membership (such as a copy of current membership card) with the application. Application deadline is August 1.
Click here for a complete list of member discounts. For instructions on accessing a discount, select the item of interest and enter user name (USITT member number) and password (last name) at the prompt.
If you have questions or suggestions for a new benefit, contact Membership & Ad Sales Manager Michelle L. Smith at 800-938-7488 or
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