Costume Design & Technology Commission Call For Projects
Patricia Martin
Costume Design & Technology Commissioner
One of the most important functions of USITT’s Commissions is to support and encourage research that ultimately will benefit all members. The mission of the Costume Design & Technology Commission is to provide members with opportunities to share ideas, to exchange information, to develop professionally, and to affect the future welfare and development of those in our field by endorsing projects that benefit our profession and support our goals.
The Costume Design & Technology Commission has a number of ongoing projects:
- Commercial Pattern Archives project chaired by Joy Emery;
- Costumer’s Info Listerve project chaired by Kristina Tollefson;
- Costume Locator Service project chaired by Kevin McCluskey;
- Survey of Costume Design & Technology Programs chaired by Judy Adamson;
- OISTAT Costume Working Group Web Page, project chaired by Laura Crow;
- Costume Research Database project chaired by Jodi Karjala and Carey Hanson;
- Costume Design & Technology Traveling Sessions chaired by Deb Krajec;
- Projects For Teaching Costume Design & Technology chaired by Martha Marking and Judy Adamson.
Read more about these projects by visiting the Costume Design & Technology Commission Web Site by going to the USITT homepage, click on special interests groups, then click on Costume Design & Technology.
According to the By-Laws of the Institute, projects can include research, experimentation, investigation, collection of data, problem analysis, exchange of ideas and exhibitions, and other forms of study leading to the acquisition of knowledge and improvement in technology. One person or a group may conduct projects. A project can be regional or national in scope, and it can be a short term or long-term undertaking. Many recent projects have developed by way of discussions, needs, and interests posted on the Costumer’s Info Listserve. If you are not a member of this list, check it out. This list is operated as a service to the membership of the Costume Design & Technology Commission of USITT for the purpose of exchanging sources and ideas in the area of theatrical costuming.
Dennis Dorn, Vice-Commissioner for Commissions, has indicated that successful project proposals can be eligible for up to $1,000 in funding. If you have an idea for a project or see a need for a new project please make a proposal. Examples of successful project proposals are available upon request.
Please send all proposals to Pat Martin, Commissioner, Costume Design & Technology Commission, 619 Kimpel Hall, Drama Department, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR 72704; office phone 479-575-367; fax 479-575-7602;e-mail
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