News & Notices
PQ Highlights

International guests created sessions at the 2011 Annual Conference in Charlotte which made it special. A much larger confluence of international events will occur in Prague this June.
Photo/R. Finkelstein
Registration for Scenofest workshops will reopen around April 1 to fill the remaining slots not claimed in the first round of selections. In addition, professionals will be invited to join the students already enrolled in the workshops. Go to the Scenofest webpage to learn more about how to sign up.
Scenofest moves from the Industrial Palace in Prague to the heart of the historic city with projects designed as a dynamic engagement with the city.
Using the landscape of the city as the starting point, Six Acts involves six international teams of students who will present a site-specific performance or installation, each the result of a collaborative project with an international lead artist.
Design as Performance were selected from student proposals in two categories. DISK Stories is a showcase of one-hour performances presented in the DAMU's DISK Theatre. Street Stories will present over 50 performances challenged to provoke and engage the ambient passerby throughout the city with work that "speaks" a universal visual language.
The organizers are creating an online presence with inventive use of social media to assure there are hundreds of ways to engage and react to the work being made and shown across the whole program. Watch this space.
Visitors coming to Prague will also discover a unique outdoor performing exhibition, Intersection: Intimacy & Spectacle, an interactive performing exhibition presenting thirty internationally acclaimed artists creating scenographic environments within an architectural installation in the center of Prague. "The individual projects for the Boxes... show the large span of disciplines that performance and performativity appear in, as well as the extreme variety of themes connected to the idea of performance (war as performance, tango as performance, clothes as performance, etc.),"explains Sodja Zupanc Lotker, the Prague Quadrennial's Artistic Director.
The Philipp Glass opera Les Enfants Terribles, directed by Czech film and theatre director Alice Nellis, will be held within the canteen of the psychiatric hospital Bohnice, in Prague. The PQ+ project will present performances, exhibitions, and symposia by Czech theatre companies, galleries, and institutions. Retrospective exhibitions on the work of major figures of Czech and Slovak scenography, such as Miroslav Melena, MiloňKališ, and Josef Ciller, also will be exhibited.
The General Commissioner's Talks will host practitioners Es Devlin, Ishioka and Mark Friedberg, among others. The Intersection Talks will include speakers such as Sir Peter Cook and Richard Sennett, who will take part in the discussions on the question of performance space. The variety of activities promises to offer exciting dialogs, interchanges and experiences for all who attend.