Sketches, such as those of a concept sketch
for UW Parkside Recital Hall (at left, top) and the concept
sketch for new drama theatre at Carthage College (at left,
bottom), could be part of the USA/USITT submittal for the
Architectural Exhibit as part of the 2011 Prague Quadrennial
of Performance Design and Space. Deadline for submitting
entries is August 10, 2010.
Deadline August 10 for
PQ 2011 US Architectural Exhibit
Scott Georgeson, AIA
Architecture Commissioner
It is not too late! Architects can submit entries
for consideration as part of the USA/USITT Architectural Exhibit to the
2011 Prague Quadrennial of Performance Design and Space. All submissions
are due by August 10. The exhibit, The Theatre Architect's Attic, will
show the broad range of theatre projects completed in the United States
since 2006. E-mail Scott F. Georgeson, AIA, at sfg@workshoparchitects.com
for more information on submissions.
The exhibit is designed as a sculptural
collage of sketches, photos, models, and videos. Texture,
color, and scale will draw the viewer to the exhibit. The Architectural
Exhibit will present the hundreds of spaces of all types, sizes, and
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