Voting Closes February 10 in USITT Elections | Time is running out to vote in the 2010 Special Referendum - Name Change Correction and USITT Board of Directors elections. Voting will close at midnight on Wednesday, February 10. Members can vote here using their member number as the username and last name as the password. Anyone with questions should contact Shannan Hoerger at the USITT office, 800-938-7488, ext 101. To Top  | Follow USITT on Twitter | Want updates quickly about USITT's 50th Anniversary Conference? Get connected and follow the Conference at Conference event updates, special offers, and reminders are being posted regularly on the site. To Top  | Visiting Finance Committee | Former USITT Secretary Jean Montgomery spent time in Syracuse in early January working in the organization’s archives. Ms. Montgomery completed her research in time to participate in the Finance Committee’s discussions, including Treasurer Travis DeCastro, Bill Byrnes, Lea Asbell-Swanger, President Carl Lefko, President-Elect Joe Aldridge, Dan Culhane, and Sherry Wagner-Henry when they were in town. To Top  | Planning for Kansas City | Also on the move in January were members of the Conference Planning Committee who spent a few days in Kansas City, Missouri performing the vital work needed to corral all the details of the 2010 event. Also vitally important was the further exploration of food and beverage options which will be availailable when USITT visits KC March 31 to April 3. Early deadline for Conference registration is February 18, so anyone planning to attend is urged to visit, look at all the blockbuster events, and make the decision to register before prices go up. To Top  | Henry Tharp in KC | Long-time USITT member and Fellow Henry Tharp provided his vast local knowledge to assist the Conference planning process. Mr. Tharp, whose license plates have advertised USITT for more than three decades, is a former Vice-President for Conferences and was a chief organizer of the 1980 Annual Conference which was held in Overland Park. That’s in Kansas, not Missouri, as Mr. Tharp makes clear. To Top  | Long Reach Long Riders At it Again | The Long Reach Long Riders, whose seventh annual charity motorcycle ride will benefit the ESTA Foundation's Behind The Scenes program and Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS, will begin in San Francisco on July 24, 2010. The ride, which began as a one time event in 2004, has raised more than $200,000.00 in the past six years. "We were just a bunch of technicians looking for a fun way to attend a conference", commented Bill Sapsis, one of the original ride organizers. “Who knew it would turn out like this?” Greg Williams, another founding member added, "The group was so much fun to ride with (to the USITT Conference in Long Beach) we just had to do it again." The riders will assemble at the Presidio in San Francisco on the morning of July 24 and head north into the Napa Valley. As in previous years, anyone who wants to ride with us is more than welcome, either as a ‘day tripper’ or for the entire ride. For more information on the route, joining the ride or making a donation, please visit To Top  | | |