Seek Nominations for 2011 Officers, Board Sylvia Hillyard Pannell Immediate Past President & Chair, Nominations Committee Even as voting continues in the 2010 USITT elections, members are being encouraged to make nominations for the 2011 election slate. Taking an active role in identifying the future leadership of the organization is especially critical as USITT moves into its next half-century. USITT needs the help of members to help identify emerging leaders. To allow time for a complete preview, forms are due by March 1. Member nomination of candidates for the USITT 2011 slate of officers and Directors at Large will guide and inform the Nominations Committee in selecting effective future leadership for USITT and “securing the future.” Work is underway now to find candidates for positions on the USITT Board of Directors to take office July 1, 2011. Anyone with questions should e-mail Ms. Pannell, Chair of the Nominations Committee. Posts for which nominees are being sought, and their current duties, taken from the Bylaws, are: - President-Elect: The President-Elect shall succeed to the Presidency following the President's second year in office. He or she shall have those duties as assigned by the President and the By-Laws and shall serve in this office for a term of one year. He or she shall be an ex officio member of all committees on which the President sits ex officio.
- Secretary: The Secretary shall act as secretary for all meetings of the members, the Board of Directors, and the Executive Committee and shall keep the minutes thereof. The Secretary shall notify all members of the Corporation of special and annual meetings and record the proceedings thereof. The Secretary shall be responsible for the filing of all records of meetings. The Secretary shall be an ex officio member of the Committee on By-Laws.
- Vice-President for International Activities: The Vice-President for International Activities shall chair the International Committee and shall have oversight for all international projects undertaken by the Institute, including but not limited to planning and execution of entries into the Prague Quadrennial, International Conference Programming, and other special international projects. The Vice-President for International Activities shall coordinate all OISTAT related projects with the Head of the U.S. Center for OISTAT.
- Vice-President for Commissions: The Vice-President for Commissions shall be the officer responsible for the Commissions which are devoted to investigation and research for the Corporation. This shall include the development, operation, and dissemination of information of the various commissions and research of the Corporation as herein designated under Article VII. This officer shall chair the selection committee for the YD&T awards. The Vice-President for Commissions shall perform other duties as may be assigned by the By-Laws, the Board of Directors and/or the President.
- Vice-President for Conferences: The Vice-President for Conferences shall be responsible for the planning and administration of the Annual Conference & Stage Expo for the Corporation. The Vice-President for Conferences shall chair the Annual Conference & Stage Expo Committee and shall supervise all USITT employees, volunteers, and contractors engaged in the operation of the Annual Conference & Stage Expo. Conference Coordinator Chairs shall be appointed by the Vice-President for Conferences, with the advice and consent of the Annual Conference & Stage Expo Committee, and ratified by the Board of Directors.
The Secretary and all Vice Presidents shall perform other duties as may be assigned by the Bylaws, the Board of Directors and/or the President. - Directors at Large: Directors at Large are responsible for representing the Membership in all decisions made by the Board of Directors. They shall be members in good standing of the Institute and a Regional Section for all the time they serve. They are expected to attend all Board meetings. Each member of the Board of Directors shall serve as a member of an Institute committee, or be a Commissioner or Vice-Commissioner. There are 18 Directors at Large, and six are elected each year.
Please complete the 2011 Election Nomination Form, which can be found by clicking here. Once all names and information have been collected, the committee will work to develop a slate of one or two individuals for each office and up to 12 potential Directors at Large. This slate will then be presented and voted on by the membership. To allow a full review by the Nominations Committee, forms are due by March 1, 2010. Because USITT is a membership organization, it is up to members to help encourage future leaders to become part of the board. Members are strongly encouraged to consider self-nomination if they are interested in serving the Institute in any of these capacities. Think about fellow members who are known to be talented, qualified leaders capable of fulfilling the positions open for election and together with your nominee prepare and submit a nomination form on their behalf. Questions or suggestions regarding this process may be addressed to any member of the Nominations Committee. The committee roster may be found here. To Top |  |  |  |  |