Nearly 100 students, faculty, staff, and professionals enjoyed a full day of sessions on costumes, lighting, set construction, and more at a day and evening hosted by the Department of Theatre and Dance at the University at Buffalo. Participants had the opportunity to learn about the latest LED lighting technologies with demonstrations as well as examine fixtures and make side-by-side comparisons.   | The preparations for the Configuration Dance Theatre performance that evening provided the opportunity to get tips and tricks on lighting and costumes for dance from the people who light and costume Lehrer Dance, Configuration Dance Theatre, and others. As dance pieces were being cued, Lynne Koscielniak, director of design technology, explained the process and the theory of dance lighting as it was happening. Exposing the tricks of keeping dancers unexposed, Cindy Darling, costume technician, and Donna Massimo, costume shop manager, conducted a lively discussion of structuring costume for dance – making things do the unexpected. Students learned about the upcoming 2011 Prague Quadrennial and the available student opportunities. There was also a first Square-Off -- a session which pitted computer-aided drafting and hand drafting head-to-head.  | The organization and management of the day-long event was student led. Presenters ranged from the members of IATSE to faculty, staff, and students. The Upstate New York Regional Section now offers four meeting times. Fall Kick Off, Mid-Winter Job Fair, and Spring Fling as well as the annual meeting in conjunction with the USITT Annual Conference and Stage Expo. A summer event is in the works. To Top  |