Costume Symposium Registration | There is still time to be part of the 2009 Costume Symposium, Creating Creatures with Foam and Varaform, scheduled for August 6 to 8 at Ohio University, Athens, Ohio. The registration deadline is June 30. Information and registration form can be found on the Costume & Design Technology Commission website. To Top  | Alberta Site of Rendez-vous 2009 | The Citadel Theatre will host CITT/ICTS's 2009 Rendez-vous 19th Annual Conference and Trade Show from August 13 to 15 in Edmonton, Alberta. The conference promises to be an exciting event with over 30 workshops, panel discussions, roundtables and sessions, a trade show featuring the latest products and services for the live performing and entertainment industry, numerous social events, and the greatest networking opportunities to be found in Canada. Download the registration form. Register before June 30 and save $50 on the Full Conference registration! To sponsor an event or to reserve a booth, download the sponsorship and trade show brochure or contact Monique Corbeil, National Coordinator at the National Office at 613-482-1165 or by e-mail at For the complete schedule and accommodation information at the Hotel Sutton Place (conference rates start at $89), visit the website. To Top  | 2009 Rock Our World Awards | Nominations are now open for the 2009 Rock Our World Awards. Seen a new product that would change the industry? Seen a product application used in a way that was truly remarkable, whether simple or complex? Seen a project that knocked your socks off because of the level of collaboration required or the magic it created? Now is the chance to tell why it rocked your world. Anyone in the industry may nominate a product, product application, or project, but an ESTA member must be involved as the designer, manufacturer, supplier, or collaborator. To be eligible, a product, product application, or project must have been produced or executed between October 1, 2007 and June 30, 2009. Items submitted for the 2008 awards may not be resubmitted. To nominate, go to and submit an entry online or download the form. The deadline for entries is July 1, 2009. For more information, e-mail or call the ESTA office at 212-244-1505. To Top  | Publish Standard, Review Another | ESTA has published a new standard, and has made other draft standards available for public review on its website. ANSI E1.34 - 2009, Entertainment Technology - Measuring and Specifying the Slipperiness of Floors Used in Live Performance Venues, is now available. The new standard describes a very simple drag-sled for measuring the slipperiness of a performance floor, and two procedures to use with the sled. One procedure uses standardized stainless steel feet on the sled to give a coefficient of friction number that can be used to describe the floor in a general way. The second procedure measures the slipperiness with a performer's shoe sole materials. BSR E1.23 - 200x, Entertainment Technology - Design and Execution of Theatrical Fog Effects, is available for public review through June 22. The BSR E1.23 project is a revision of the existing ANSI E1.23 - 2006 standard which offers advice on the planning and execution of theatrical fog effects using glycol, glycerin, or white mineral oil fogs or mists in theatres, arenas, and other places of entertainment or public assembly. The revision project is to change the list of fog chemicals in the scope to better match those chemicals normally used in theatrical fog effects, and to better define the qualifications of those in charge of designing and executing the effects. For more information, contact Karl G. Ruling, technical standards manager, ESTA, 875 Sixth Avenue, Suite 1005, New York, NY 10001; phone 1-212-244-1505. To Top  | | |