Reflections on Prague
Sandy Bonds
Vice-President for International Activities
The Prague Quadrennial 2007 is now a thing of the past, after four years of work and anticipation. Over 650 Americans attended the PQ and participated in the growing activities scheduled along with the exhibitions, known as the Scenofest. Lighting & Sound America has included two articles in their September issue, and has graciously made them available to USITT members.
Molly and Richard Pilbrow attended a PQ for the first time and Molly has written her first hand account of her initial impressions of this multi-faceted event in PQ Diary, An eyewitness account of PQ 2007 which can be downloaded by clicking here, or on the top photo at right.
USITT member and Fellow Cindy Limauro, professor of lighting design at Carnegie Mellon University, and Christopher Popovich of C & C Lighting organized a lighting workshop as a part of the Scenofest. The student participants were charged with creating nighttime lighting designs on some of Prague's most famous monuments and architectural sites. A description of the process appears in Ms. Limauro's article, Lighting the City: Prague Shines, which may be downloaded by clicking here or on the bottom photo at right.
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Read Molly Pilbrow's first-hand account of her time in Prague by clicking on the image above.
Download the complete PDF of Cindy Limauro's article by clicking on this image.