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Conference & Stage Expo
For the Record

Programming from the Costume Design & Technology Commission is always interesting and energizing, such as this 2005 Professional Development Workshop on wigs. The Commission is seeking ideas for sessions in 2007.

Costume Highlights for 2006, Seeks Ideas for Phoenix

Joel Ebarb
Costume Design & Technology Commission Programming Chair

The Louisville 2006 Conference & Stage Expo is shaping up to be an exciting and informative experience for Costume Design & Technology Commission members with programming sure to inspire ideas for the next year's offering in Phoenix, Arizona.

Two exciting Professional Development Workshops (PDWs) start the conference off with a bang. In addition to the two-day workshop Costume Drawing and Rendering Techniques: Basic and Beyond chaired by Herb Camburn providing experiences in figure and costume drawing as well as mixed media and computer rendering, there will be a PDW introducing simple but effective millinery techniques presented at Baer Fabrics by Joel Ebarb. Space in the PDWs is still available; sign up today!

Regular conference programming includes the ever-popular Costume Poster Session (seeking immediate submissions ) as well as a two-part strategic-planning session titled Shaping the Future of the Costume Commission. Plan to attend to lend your voice to this important and vital discussion.

A sampling of sessions reveals Linda Sparks teaching the ins and outs of corset construction, and Susan Davis chairing a panel investigating the actual construction of period undergarments. Chicago-based free-lance milliner Hannah Bledstein will discuss the process of creating personalized head blocks from Styrofoam, while Bill Brewer and company explore techniques for creating non-traditional wigs.

Back by popular demand, the interactive and participatory Developing the Costume Idea, led by Gweneth West and her panel of design luminaries, will explore Shakespeare's Hamlet. Don't miss this very special two-part session.

For a look at all of the offering by the Costume Design & Technology Commission for the Louisville 2006 Conference & Stage Expo, go to for a complete listing of programming.

Programming for Phoenix Needed

The Costume Design & Technology Commission also seeks programming proposals for the Phoenix 2007 Conference & Stage Expo. It is never too early to start planning. Whether you have a completely formed idea or just the beginnings of an inspiration for a proposal, the Costume Commission wants to hear from you! The success of conference programming depends on active involvement by Commission members, so consider proposing a session for Phoenix 2007 today!

If you have an idea for a conference session, e-mail Mr. Ebarb, Programming Chair for Phoenix 2007, at He is ready to assist you and explain how the process works.

Proposals will be accepted up to two weeks before the Louisville conference, set for March 29, 2006. The deadline for proposals is March 15, 2006.

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