Good Things Come in Tens
Loren Schreiber
Chair Tech Expo Committee
Like fingers, toes, and the metric system, good things come in tens. And now Tech Expo has reached that milestone! The USITT Conference & Stage Expo in Toronto this March will feature the 10th Biennial Tech Expo, and plans are afoot to make it the biggest and best ever. Why not be a part of it?
Ever had a good solution to a tricky production problem? More than one? Maybe even as many as 10 in your career? Surely one of them is worthy of Tech Expo. Jot down a few words about it, take a picture or two, or find that drawing, and send it in with the application. Good ideas from all aspects of theatre is what Tech Expo is about. If you work somewhere between the gridiron and the trap room, between the front of house and the loading dock – your solutions belong in Tech Expo.
The entry form is available on the Exhibition Awards Page on the USITT web site. Become a part of the first 10 Tech Expos. The second 10 won't come around for another 20 years.
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In 2001, this illustration helped explain Loren Schreiber’s entry, the paint roller pneumatic muffler. For 2005, show off a favorite solution to a tricky problem, or maybe even two solutions. |