Plethora of Exhibitor-
Sponsored Programs Scheduled
for 2005
Helen Willard
Stage Expo Sales Manager
Programs sponsored by Stage Expo Exhibitors have grown in number and quality during the past several USITT Conference & Stage Expos. Exhibitors have been encouraged to submit session proposals earlier in the process so they can be integrated with Commission programming. The result is a full slate of exhibitor-sponsored programming already scheduled for the 2005 Annual Conference in Toronto. Here is a taste of the varied programs which will be offered by exhibitors in Toronto.
Apollo Design Technology will present Changing Technologies for Coloring Light, a beginning to intermediate training workshop on managing white light through the use of both established and emerging technologies including gels, dichroics, color changers, color mixers, LEDs, and lamp source considerations.
Wired and Wireless Production Intercom Design, offered by Clear-Com Intercom Systems, will explore room and zone page, two-way radio and 4 wire circuits.
Dodger Costume and Farthingales will collaborate on Basics of Period Underwear, a panel discussion and demonstration of bustles, hoops, corsets, petticoats and crinolines.
ETC will present Cueing Moving Lights in Theatrical Productions, a session offering techniques and hints for the designer who is integrating moving lights into a system of conventional fixtures.
A panel of representatives from IATSE’s General Office, Canadian Office, IATSE local One, and United Scenic Artists Local 829 will attempt to demystify the union in Now That You Have Us All Together, What Do You Want To Know?
Make-Up Designory will present Basic Effects Make-up, a demonstration of make-up techniques for scars, cuts, burns, bullet wounds, bruising, scrapes, and prosthetic injuries.
Meyer Sound will offer two sessions: Audio 102/The Basics Plus, a discussion designed for production personnel in other specialties who want to know more about the role of audio or for beginning to intermediate sound designers and production mixers; and Understanding Line Array Behavior and Technology, a discussion of the benefits and limitations of modern line array loudspeaker systems in theatrical sound applications.
Rose Brand will also sponsor two sessions: Fabric/Soft Goods 101, which will cover the uses of muslin, scrim, and velour and explain the design and workings of Austrian, Venetian and tab curtains; and Theatrical Applications for Digital Imaging, where participants will learn about backdrop design, how to choose the correct substrates, and the printing process.
Sapsis Rigging will sponsor a perennial favorite, Stump The Riggers, assisted by a panel of industry experts from Automatic Devices Company, Columbus McKinnon, and James Thomas Engineering.
Smooth-On will present Intro to Lifecasting With Alginate and Silicone, a discussion of the advantages and disadvantages of each of these materials with a demonstration of what can be cast into the mold to create the reproduction.
As a follow-up to a session held in Long Beach, USA Local 829 IATSE will present Costume Design – Women’s Work Women’s Wages, a discussion examining ways to increase respect for the art of costume design in theatre, film, and television, and to promote wages and workloads of comparable worth with scenic designers, art directors, and production designers.
In addition to the sessions described, several exhibitors have submitted program proposals which have been fully integrated with Commission programming. Exhibitors who have ideas for new program sessions are encouraged to submit them to the appropriate Commission or to Helen Williard by March 2005 for presentation at the 2006 Annual Conference & Stage Expo in Louisville. |
Those attending the 2004 Annual Conference & Stage Expo were able to learn from hands-on demonstration sessions. More of these exciting and innovative sessions are already scheduled for presentation at the 2005 Annual Conference in Toronto, Ontario . |
- a.c.t lighting
- university of alabama
- american harlequin corporation
- apollo design technology, inc.
- university of arizona
- automatic devices company
- barbizon lighting company
- ben nye company
- boston university
- brandeis university
- california institute of the arts
- california state university fullerton
- california state university, los angeles
- carnegie mellon university
- university of cincinnati
- city theatrical, Inc.
- j.r. clancy
- clark transfer, inc.
- clear-com communication systems
- cobalt studios
- coffing hoists
- columbus mckinnon
- dazian llc
- d&b audiotechnik
- university of delaware
- designlab chicago
- dodger costume rental
- electronic theatre controls (etc)
- engineering harmonics inc.
- entertainment design/Lighting
- entertainment services and
technology association (esta)
- entertainment technology
- farthingales
- fsu school of theatre
- future light
- gala, a division of paco corp.
- gamproducts, inc.
- glimmerglass opera
- h&h specialties inc.
- iatse
- iatse local one
- illinois state university
- university of llinois, urbana-champaign
- indiana university
- insul-8 corporation
- irwin seating company
- kryolan Corporation
- lee filters
- leprecon
- lex products corp.
- lightronics, inc.
- limelight productions, inc.
- make-up
- mdg fog Generators ltd.
- mehron inc.
- meyer sound
- minnesota state university, mankato
- university of minnesota, twin cities
- university of nevada, las vegas
- norcostco inc.
- north carolina school of the arts
- the university of north carolina at chapel hill
- opera america
- penn state university
- period corsets by kaufman-davis studio, inc.
- pop-out furniture
- production intercom inc.
- purdue university
- rosco
- rose brand
- santa fe opera
- sapsis rigging inc.
- savannah collegeof art & design
- secoa, inc
- selecon usa
- serapid
- show distribution group, inc
- smooth-on, inc.
- southern illinois university at cargbondale
- stage directions
- stage research
- stageright corporation
- steeldeck, inc.
- steppenwolf theatre company
- strand lighting inc.
- strong entertainment lighting
- syracuse scenery & stage lighting co., inc.
- texas tech university
- theatre arts video library
- thern
- thematics
- james thomas engineering
- tulane university
- union connector
- united scenic artists
local 829 iatse
- walt disney entertainment
- wayne state university theatres
- wenger corporation
- university of wisconsin, milwaukee
- wybron, inc.
- yale school of drama