News & Notices
Fellows All Found in Milwaukee

Both of the 2013 Find a Fellow contest winners were at Stage Expo when the winning names were drawn. With them are several of the Fellows who participated in the event.
Photo/Barbara E.R. Lucas
Milwaukee was the scene of the second annual Find A Fellow contest in which students using a contest form with photographs were to locate six Fellows and have them sign their forms.
From the completed contest forms, two winners were drawn at random by USITT’s President Lea Asbell-Swanger. Katie Fecht from North Central College in Illinois and Justine Tucker from Alabama State University in Montgomery are the lucky ones. Both of these students will receive a two-day, all expense paid mentoring session with a Fellow who is expert in the student’s area of interest. Reports detailing the experiences the students had during their mentoring sessions will be printed in future Sightlines.
These six Fellows, the subjects of this mad scavenger hunt, were tracked down by over 150 students who signed up for the contests. Using the website, scouring the USITT Directory, rummaging through the Conference program, and conducting covert searches, the Fellows were found. A particularly resourceful group of students stalked the entrance to the room where the Fellows annual meeting was to take place. They were rewarded by bagging a number of signatures.
Fellows who were “found” based on their photos from an earlier time were

They are shown above at the 2013 Annual Conference.
Photo/Richard Finkelstein