News & Notices
Tech Expo Countdown Begins
This is the last month to get things together for the 2013 Tech Expo! The deadline for submissions is Friday, November 2.

Most show seasons have opened, and people are currently working on the second or maybe even third production. This is a perfect opportunity to look back at the recent challenges that have been presented and decide what creative and ingenious solutions to submit for Tech Expo. Or dust off something from last season or beyond and consider submitting it.
The ingenuity, originality, and creativity of the solution are what organizers seek. Anyone who has a submission chosen will be assigned a text and graphics editor to help make adjustments if needed to make the entry as clear, concise, and exciting as possible. They will also help with the display at Stage Expo.
Tech Expo is still a juried exhibit and may be a valuable asset for promotion and tenure. As a portfolio and resume credit, the Tech Expo also looks impressive.