Mentors Available for Educators

A program offered by the Education Commission pairs tenured faculty with educators who encounter bumps in the road to flawless teaching and navigation in the realms of higher education.
“Too often we find that educators feel they are alone with an issue or difficulty,” said Sarah Myers, Education Commissioner. The Education Mentoring Project has been around for several years and is designed to ease that isolated feeling. Mentors provide guidance to junior faculty concerning everything from university meetings and design work to suggestions for balancing personal life with university responsibilities.
The program has been successful in actively recruiting mentors and is able to quickly connect junior faculty members in many areas to someone within their specific discipline.
All educators are welcome to participate as either a mentor or novice, but novices are especially encouraged to apply. To participate in the program, e-mail Anne Medlock at with name, university, and area of design. The mentor/novice relationship often develops and extends beyond a specific question into a long-term information exchange, a process which is fostered by the easy give and take of the mentoring process.