Welcome New
Member |
We welcome Mallatt Pharmacy and Costume as
a new Sustaining member of USITT. The organization,
which will be exhibiting at Stage Expo in 2010,
is based in Wisconsin and offers a wide range
of products and services including theatrical
makeup, expert advice, masks, hats, colored hairsprays,
face paint, wigs, and moustaches as well as rentals
of costumes and accessories. Visit them at www.mallatts.com.
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Light Used on
Killers Tour |
There’s something about stumbling upon the
perfect tool for the job, the one thing that can do exactly what is
needed, that has obtained near-Holy Grail mythos among lighting designers.
For Steven Douglas, that one thing was the Wybron BP-2 Beam Luminaire.
Mr. Douglas is the show/lighting/video designer
on the current tour for the Killers, the Grammy-nominated post-punk
The Wybron Beam Projector produces an extremely
intense, narrow, soft-edge 10-degree beam of light several times more
intense than an ordinary spotlight of similar wattage. It weighs
in at only 11.3 pounds, light enough to use in hand.
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Company Supports
Automation Education |
As one of the leading specialists in the field
of automation, Stage Technologies was instrumental in organizing the
first United Kingdom Education Symposium on the subject hosted by
the Centre for Excellence in Training for Theatre based at the Central
School of Speech and Drama in Swiss Cottage, London.
Delegates attended
from the Bristol Old Vic Theatre School, the
Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama, Guildford School of Acting,
Rose Bruford College, Royal Academy of Dramatic Art, and Guildhall
School of Music and Drama. The event was chaired by Ric Green from
Opera North.
While this symposium was UK focused, Stage Technologies
continues to develop links with universities
and colleges overseas as an increasingly international marketplace
encourages graduates to move around the globe seeking jobs and further
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Arbor Convenient, Secure |
Brickhouse Front-Loading Arbor from Thern
Stage Equipment (TSE) delivers a level of convenience and
security unavailable from conventional arbors,
providing stagehands with a solution that solves many of
the problems of traditional counterweight rigging.
Using a revolutionary new front-loading design,
it makes operation ergonomic and convenient for users.
To learn more
about the Brickhouse Front-Loading Arbor, call
TSE at 800-553-2204, e-mail info@thernstage.com,
or online at www.thernstage.com.
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Firm Helps
Design Theatre |
In collaboration with REX/OMA, Theatre
Projects Consultants, Inc. designed the versatile, multiform
Dee and Charles Wyly Theatre in Dallas, Texas. The theatre can be
configured for up to 575 seats in proscenium, thrust, traverse, and
flat floor arrangements. The theatre is part of the AT&T Performing
Arts Center.
For more
information, visit theatreprojects.com.
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Products Offered
at Charlotte Exhibition |
TOMCAT USA Inc. was on hand for this year’s
WFX Exhibition October 29 to 30 at the Charlotte Convention Center
in Charlotte, North Carolina.
TOMCAT manufactures staging, lighting,
and support systems for the entertainment, audiovisual
and exhibit industries, as well as products suited
for worship facilities. For more information,
visit www.tomcatglobal.com.
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