the wrong message" ...sends the wrong message
By Bryan H. Ackler
Imagine a group of colonial shipwrights applying
their trade’s art, skills, and materials to rig Philadelphia’s
Walnut Street Theatre in 1811 and finding themselves a new business
This industry, business, avocation, hobby,
and profession has a long and treasured history of finding, adapting,
and making things work for us; no matter what “… the show must
go on.”
When the original Peter Pan flew, the flymen
used the best available materials. When the director wanted the
actors to be able to climb the walls, old surplus industrial
cargo nets worked fine.
We as a profession have experimented,
tried things out, asked for or made changes, all
in the name of the art, safety, convenience, and budget. We asked
and demanded the datasheets, the guidelines, the standards, but
we still tried new things if they were appropriate for the show,
if it was relatively safe, and if common sense prevailed. If
enough people reused it, someone would redesign, build, and test
it, or incorporate the material into their product. Very little
of our equipment, hardware, software, and products are genuinely
original to our profession.
However, to quote the old folk song, “…today a new crisis
has arisen.” In the desire to send the right message, innovation
and improvisation are being restrained. It appears that some
of us are teaching, directly or by example, compliance to rigid
concepts, not teaching safe innovation or safe integration of
originality. Do not get me wrong, I applaud and support safety,
standards, and enforcement, but I also support innovation and
original thinking.
Have an idea, improve it, test it in the
lab, test it in use, wade through the certification process,
but don’t
tell me that I can’t adapt a desire or product to our profession
just because it wasn’t originally designed for that usage
and hence “sends the wrong message.” If that were
true, to stage a production we would still be using “two
planks with our passion.”
Oops, sorry, planks are inappropriate.
They were designed for house siding, not for actors
to walk upon. Since we do not want to “send the wrong message," now
all we have is passion.
Mr. Ackler's diverse background includes
original professional staff at numerous new or renovated
theatres including Virginia's Barter Theater, the Powerhouse
at Vassar College, California State University-Bakersfield, University
of Maine & Cerritos Center and several manufacturers including,
Electro-Controls, Colortran-NSI, Strand Lighting, Electronics
Diversified, and Genlyte Controls in marketing, engineering,
and project management. He attended Virginia Tech and the University
of Maine at Orono, and is an active member of the Institute.
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