for 10 Years with USITT |

Monica L. Merritt, left, Barbara E.R.
Lucas, and Carol B. Carrigan receive congratulations
on 30 years of combined service from
Carl Lefko, center, USITT’s
As part of the USITT Annual Meeting in Cincinnati,
three members of the USITT staff were recognized for 10 years
of service to the Institute. Carol B. Carrigan, Administrative & Finance
Manager; Barbara E.R. Lucas, Public Relations & Marketing
Manager; and Monica L. Merritt, Conference Registration & Database
Manager all joined the organization in 1998. Ms. Lucas and Ms.
Merritt began their tenure on the same day in July and Ms. Carrigan
came on board in October.
In addition to the recognition at the
Annual Meeting, the three were presented with
plaques “in
recognition and gratitude for 10 years of dedicated service and
support of USITT” during the Board of Directors meeting
held during the Annual Conference.
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Inducted |
Dana Taylor has been named a Distinguished
Alumnus of the Singing Hoosiers (Indiana University, Bloomington,
Indiana). As an undergraduate, he was a singer and guitarist for
the ensemble and was assistant director during his graduate studies.
Mr. Taylor holds degrees in music education (BME) and choral conducting
(MM) from Indiana University. Distinguished alumni are selected
based on professional and personal achievements following their
tenure at Indiana.
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Bouchard Retires |
Former VP and Director at Large Normand Bouchard
has retired from the University of Calgary. The
change occurred at the end of March, just in
time for Mr. Bouchard to enjoy the opening of
golf courses in the greater Alberta region. Mr.
Bouchard was honored in 2004 with the USITT Joel
E. Rubin Founder’s
Award. At the presentation, Past President Richard
Durst called Mr. Bouchard “one of the Institute’s
most tireless workers and insightful, dedicated
leaders.” Click
here to view a complete profile of Mr. Bouchard.
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the Rigger trophy awarded at USITT |
Scott Mollman, Technical Director for the
Theatre Department at the University of South Dakota, Vermillion, won the Jack Suesse Memorial Stump the Riggers trophy at the
USITT Annual Conference in Cincinnati. The trophy is awarded for
the best question or situation that the Stump the Rigger panel
cannot correctly answer or identify. This year's winning situation
involved the load rating of home made wire rope which had been
constructed of baling wire and twisted into shape with a battery
operated drill.

Scott Millman, at right, with his trophy.
Photo/Greg Williams
The trophy is named for Jack Suesse, an industry
icon who passed away in August of 2007. Bill
Sapsis, session moderator, noted: "Jack was one of the good guys. He wasn't flashy.
He didn't make a big deal about his work but he was responsible
for many of the rigging innovations we've seen over the past 20
years. He was also a mentor to many people coming up in the business.
I met him in 1979 and he was instrumental in shaping the way I
approached my career."
The Trophy was introduced in 2008
at the USITT conference in Houston and was awarded
to Carla Richters of Dartmouth College. The winner is chosen by
acclamation and confirmed by the Stump the Riggers panel. The
2009 panel included Don Dimitroff of Columbus McKinnon Corp, Eric
McAfee of J. R. Clancy, Inc., and Tray Allen of James Thomas Engineering.
The moderator was Bill Sapsis of Sapsis Rigging, Inc.
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by IATSE |
Jan Musson, Fellow of the Institute and former
Treasurer, was presented with an honorary lifetime membership
in I.A.T.S.E. Local #134 in honor of her long career as a lighting
technician, designer and entrepreneur.
Jan applied for membership
at a time the union was almost 100% male.
this has changed as she was presented
her "tool kit" by Cindy
Parker, President, I.A.T.S.E. Local 134. In the photo,
Jan is shown with her cake accompanied by Steve Kaplowitz, member,
I.A.T.S.E. Local 134 who organized this long overdue recognition
of Jan. It should be noted the local celebrated its centennial
in the Summer of 2008. Photos were taken by Richard Reizner, member, I.A.T.S.E.
Local 134.
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Attendees Support Behind the Scenes |
The Long
Reach Long Riders and The ESTA Foundation announced
the results of their joint raffle to benefit the Behind the Scenes
program at the USITT Annual Conference in Cincinnati, Ohio. A total of
$5,236 was raised from raffle ticket sales during the three days of Stage Expo, more than doubling the $2,500 Challenge Grant issued
by Sapsis Rigging. In addition, Jonathan Deull made a $1,500 donation
to Behind the Scenes in support of the Long Reach Long Riders
2009 charity ride this summer, bringing the total raised at USITT
to $9,236.

Photo/Tom Thatcher
The winners and their prizes are: Fred Allen – Altman
Rentals Ghostlight; Shan Ayers – USITT 2010 Conference Registration;
Dennis Booth – Nolan Engineering Services’ Structural
Master Class; Ed Condit – Martin Light Jockey; Kacey Fisher – Live
Design’s Broadway Master Class; Ben Gasper – Utah
Shakespearean Festival Ticket Package; David Griffith – Sapsis
Rigging’s Safety Seminar with Bill Sapsis; Karl Hoffman – Barbizon
Gift Certificate; Randall Presswood – Vectorworks
Spotlight with Renderworks; Paul Sanow – Vincent Lighting
Systems Gift Certificate; Charles Smith – Le Maitre’s
Radiance Hazer; Nathan Szewczyk – Field Template’s
SoftSymbols and Field Templates
The traditional pre-raffle kazoo
parade kicked off the festivities on Saturday
afternoon with stops at specially selected booths for a private
serenade. The raffle was emceed by Bill Sapsis, resplendent in
a full tuxedo and sporting his just-conferred USITT Fellows medal.
Before the raffle began Bill invited Paul
Vincent, Kim Craigie and Walt Weber from Vincent Lighting Systems
up to the podium to be acknowledged as VLS enters the fourth year
of their Behind the Scenes Workplace Giving Campaign.
All proceeds
go to The ESTA Foundation's Behind the Scenes
program which provides entertainment technology industry members
with grants for emergency situations, such as serious illness,
injury, or death.
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