Seek Lighting Portfolio
Review Participation
Dave Borron
Lighting Commission
One of the important aspects of the Lighting Commission, and indeed the Institute, is to assure the consistent and pertinent education of the next generation of designers and technicians. To that end, every year at the Annual Conference the Commission sponsors a portfolio review process in which the person to be reviewed, either a student or a professional, presents his body of work to two professionals acting as reviewers. The reviewers are charged with suggesting ways to improve the participant's work and presentation skills in a helpful and non-threatening way.
Consider participating in this important process as either a reviewer or person to be reviewed. It only takes a half hour and is very rewarding. It is also a good way to begin participating in Commission activities. The majority of the current Lighting Commission leadership began by participating in the portfolio review process either as a reviewer or a person being reviewed. Beginning reviewers are always teamed with veterans, and the reviewers always strive to make the person being reviewed feel at ease.
Who should consider having their portfolio reviewed? Students at all levels of their educational journey who want opinions from someone other than their primary mentor; professionals just starting out or going toward that next, better job; or educators who are going through the tenure and promotion process and are in need of peer review.
Who should consider serving as reviewers? Anyone with a degree in lighting, or experience working in the professional field who has a commitment to the further education of lighting designers.
Anyone whose interest has been piqued and is ready to volunteer, e-mail Dave Borron at
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