PQ 2007 Study Tour
Filling Up Fast!
Although it is still about 10 months away, the USITT Study Tour focusing on Central Europe and the 2007 Prague Quadrennial is already more than half filled.
The tour, to be led by renowned travel guide Dick Durst, is scheduled for May 30 to June 19, 2007. Mr. Durst, Past President of both USITT and OISTAT (International Organization of Scenographers, Theatre Architects, and Technicians), co-designed USITT's entry in the 1999 PQ. He will lead the group which will start its explorations in the Balkan states of Croatia, Serbia, and Montenegro by visiting what are considered among the most exciting landscapes and incredible theatres in southeastern Europe.
The tour will visit both historic and contemporary theatres, meet with theatrical colleagues, explore World Heritage sites, and experience breathtaking natural scenery during the nearly two weeks in these lovely cities and countries. A complete itinerary of all tour stops can be found here.
From Belgrade, the last stop in Serbia, participants will fly to Prague for the grand opening of the Prague Quadrennial on June 14, one of the truly memorable experiences for any person interested in theatrical design. The 2007 exhibit will include entries from the United States in the National, Architectural, and Student exhibits. For more on what is planned for the US entries, click here.
Because Prague is one of the most beautiful cities in Europe, tour members will have time to explore the town and countryside as well as thoroughly examine the extensive displays at the PQ. Mr. Durst promises this will be the experience of a lifetime for the 35 people who will be part of the tour!
In addition to the complete itinerary, Study Tour applications may be downloaded here, or are available from the USITT office at 800-938 7488. Because of the great interest already seen in the tour, a wait list will be created if necessary.
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Visits to Dubrovnik, above, and the Church of our Lady of Tyn in Prague, below, will be among the fabulous expeditions as part of the USITT PQ Study Tour in Spring, 2007.
Photo/Courtesy of MIR