Announce 2007 Election Nominees, Process
Patricia Dennis
USITT Secretary
USITT Nominations Committee has prepared a slate for the 2007 election cycle.
John Uthoff, as Immediate Past President, is chair of the Nominations Committee. He and the committee diligently sought input from the membership at large, Commissioners, Regional Sections, and Directors at Large. The committee is confident the slate includes a strong list of individuals well prepared for these positions and representing the wide variety of interest groups, professions, and regions within the Institute.
The Nominations Committee presents the following slate for the 2007 election.
Officer: |
Nominee: |
President Elect |
Carl Lefko |
Vice-President for Commissioners |
Kim Williamson |
Vice-President for Promotion and Development |
Lisa Westkaemper |
Vice-President for Conferences |
Joe Aldridge |
Vice-President for International Activities |
Alexandra Bonds |
Secretary |
Patricia Dennis |
Officers elected will serve two-year terms starting July 1, 2007, except the President Elect who will serve a one-year term. |
Directors at Large (six to be elected):
Lea Asbell-Swanger
Nadine Charlsen
Travis DeCastro
Ed Fitzgerald
LaLonnie Lehman
Andi Lyons
Michael Mehler
Mike Monsos
Mark Shanda
Sherry Wagner-Henry
Monica Weinzapfel
Craig Wolf
Directors at Large elected will serve a three-year term beginning July 1, 2007.
The slate may be amended by following the By-Laws that state: "Additional nominations for each elective office may be presented by petition, supported by no fewer than 50 signatures verified as those of members in good standing in the Corporation. Additional nominations shall be accompanied by written approval of the nominee and a brief biographical description."
Additional nominations may be made electronically for candidates who wish to be included on the ballot. To file an e-mail petition, the process is to:
* Confirm the willingness of the individual to stand for election;
* Collect the names of at least 50 current USITT members who have agreed to support the nomination; and
* Send an e-mail by October 15 to Nominations Committee Chair John Uthoff at The e-mail must contain the name and brief biography of the nominee as well as names and e-mail addresses of those supporting the nomination.
A form which can be used to nominate additional candidates can be found here and on the USITT website.
Once the electronic petition is received, the membership of those who endorse the nomination will be verified and the support of each signer will be confirmed. If all is in order, the name will be added to the slate.
The Nominations Committee hopes that this option will allow the membership a convenient process for participation and involvement. Petitions may still be filed on paper and mailed to Mr. Uthoff at Kansas State University, Department of Speech Communication, Theatre & Dance, 129 Nichols Hall, Manhattan, KS 66506. Any member with questions can also call USITT Secretary Pat Dennis at 218-726-8778 or Mr. Uthoff at 785-532-6864.
Ballots for the election will be mailed to current members in November. Ballot packets include biographies of each candidate, the ballot itself, and a postage-paid envelope so ballots can be returned.
USITT's officers and Directors at Large shape the future of the organization -- it is critical that all members participate in the election process, by doing so members invest in the future of the Institute.
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