ETCP Names Electrical
Experts, Starts Survey
The Entertainment Technician Certification Program Council (ETCP) recently appointed electrical subject matter experts (SMEs) who will help develop the industry's first electrical certification. Selected for their breadth and depth of knowledge, the SMEs will work closely with the Council's selected psychometric services provider, Applied Measurement Professionals (AMP), to develop the examinations.
The SMEs are: Rick Baxter, Eric Bouchard, Jeanette Farmer, Ian Foulds, David Hatch, John Huntington, Tony Giovannetti, Dave Loftin, Jim Maloney, Alan Rowe, Nancy Shaw, and Ken Vannice.
The SMEs' first task is to develop a job task analysis survey which will be sent to hundreds of entertainment electricians in the U.S. and Canada. The results of this survey will be used to determine the content areas of the examination. The next step in the test development process will be to write the examination questions, which will take place over a series of meetings to be held through the first half of 2006.
As part of the vital job analysis process, entertainment electricians are asked to participate in the survey.
Call for Entertainment Electricians
Job analysis is the foundation upon which to build a viable and rigorous certification examination. The job analysis will focus on analyzing electrical tasks based on importance, time spent, and consequence of error.
ETCP needs help to ensure that the examination reflects the job requirements. The judgments of those taking the survey will assist the SMEs in developing the examination specifications. All experienced entertainment electricians who are interested in participating should e-mail Katie Geraghty, ETCP Certification Director, at including a name and e-mail address (or mailing address). Information can be sent by conventional mail to her at ESTA, 875 Sixth Avenue, Suite 1005, New York, NY 10001.
The first electrical examination will be held at the 2006 ETS-LDI tradeshow in Las Vegas, Nevada. Candidate handbooks and applications for the electrical examination will be available in March 2006.
Under the auspices of the Entertainment Services and Technology Association (ESTA), ETCP is being developed with the following organizations: AMPTP, CITT, CCE, IATSE, IAAM, InfoComm/ICIA, The League of American Theatres and Producers, PRG, TEA, and USITT.
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