Lighting Commission
Leadership Update
Rich Dunham
Senior Co-Commissioner, Lighting Commission
Welcome to the middle of summer.
Things are probably typically warm, or rather hot . . . and humid! With luck you aren’t in one of the summer drought areas that formed during many of the last several summers. It’s also hoped we’ve seen the top of the gas prices for the summer, although from what we’re hearing, things won’t settle down till sometime in September. This article is being written in May because of the two month lead time required to make the Sightlines publication happen so that you actually see it at press time in July. Therefore, if the current weather isn’t anything like what’s being imagined and gas prices are even farther out of whack – this is the excuse.
At any rate, your schedule probably has you in the “heat” of pulling off another summer stock season. With that, here’s hoping you are feeling good about your creativity, that you’re not too consumed by hectic schedules, and there has been at least a little time for some “fun in the sun.”
By this point, Long Beach for many of you may seem like a distant memory and many new projects have since taken your attention away from all the activities shared in March. For many, huge life changes may have taken place since March while for others there are the usual, maybe even mundane, activities you need to work through until getting into the summer swing. While all of our leaders and contributors to the Conference never can be thanked enough, here’s one last opportunity to thank all of you who played a role in making the sessions so successful this spring – be it session chairs and panelists, project chairs, light lab coordinators and volunteers, our leadership, sponsors, etc.
Interestingly enough, as many of you know, we’re well into the planning for next year’s conference in Toronto, so let us know if you want to get involved with the next conference.
What is refreshing is that the Lighting Commission has maintained a nice balance of leaders and contributors who have, in some cases, been around for a long while, forming a solid foundation for our Commission, plus there is exciting new talent as new members begin to take an active role in the Commission’s activities. Those involved include newcomers and veterans, educators and students, those working in a variety of entertainment venues, end users, and manufactures/distributors along with a host of individuals from any number of other lighting related activities.
Participation seems to moving towards an all-time high in regard to activities, and that is a direct result of many members simply making the choice to become active participants within the Commission. This is the secret to the success of how we operate. Thanks to all of you who are making a difference. For those who are a bit timid about getting involved, please don’t be shy. There are so many small, non-threatening roles you can play within the Commission that you can become involved with until you get comfortable with what you are doing.
As is typical of the July update, here is an introduction to the Lighting Commission leaders who either will be beginning or continuing their annual appointments as of July 1.
There is a large delegation of leaders on our Commission and each one is assigned within a specialized area of the lighting industry. They help coordinate efforts in each of these specialty areas. Contact any of our Commission leaders for help, with ideas, or even to complain in regard to the workings of the Commission.
If leaders can’t serve you in a given area, they will refer you to other individuals and aspects of the Commission. Feel free to contact any one throughout the year.
Finally, it is with some sadness but also gratitude and appreciation that we thank and recognize two of our outgoing leaders.
First, Michael Ramsaur is stepping down from his role as Vice-Commissioner for Education due his increased activities with OISTAT and World Stage Design 2005 to take place next spring in Toronto.
Also, Judy Staicer has served us well as Vice-Commissioner for Programming for the Long Beach Conference and will rotate back to one of our International Liaison positions. Programming is a huge undertaking, and we want to thank her for helping make Long Beach such a success along with a wish for a more relaxed Toronto conference for her as she takes a well-earned break.
Throughout the year, you will see Sightlines articles submitted by Commission leaders allowing each to introduce who they are and what they do for the Commission. Contact any Commission member through the information provided in the annual Membership Directory & Resource Guide or through the Lighting Commission’s page on the USITT website. Each location provides full contact information, but to make it even easier, e-mail addresses are included here.
We hope to hear from you in future. Enjoy the rest of the summer and have a good fall!
Rich Dunham, Co-Commissioner
Buddy Combs, Co-Commissioner
VC Programming –Toronto
Anthony Phelps
PDW Coordinator
Mike Ingraham
VC Education
Ann Archbold
VC Projects
Vickie Scott
VC Computer Applications
Robin Schraft
VC Health & Safety
Todd Studebaker
VC Design
James L. Moody
Liason to ESTA
Rob Rowlands
International Liaisons:
Sabrina Hamilton (Portfolio Review Coordinator)
Judy Staicer
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