New Board Members
Barbara E.R. Lucas
Public Relations & Marketing Manager
Two new members have been appointed to the Entertainment Services and Technology Association (ESTA) Board of Directors. They replace members who have recently stepped down for personal reasons.
Dinna Myers of Musson Theatrical has been appointed Dealer Vice President and will serve the remaining two and half years of the current term vacated by Cindi Manning. Ms. Myers, Sales Manager at Musson, will continue as Co-Chair of ESTA's Communications and Publications Committee and as a frequent and favorite contributor to ESTA's journal Protocol.
Larry Schoeneman, President of Designlab Chicago, has been appointed Dealer Director to fill the remainder of Patrick O'Rourke's term which runs through the end of the year. Mr. Schoeneman will continue as Co-Chair of the TSP's Fog and Smoke Working Group, as a member of the Technical Standards Committee, and as ESTA's representative to the NFPA Special Effects Technical Committee.
ESTA President Mike Wood has also appointed Jerome Dunn, President of Stage Light, as Co-Chair of the Business Education Committee. Mr. Dunn has been an active member of that committee and is currently spearheading the Business Survey project.
Ms. Myers and Mr. Schoeneman join newly elected board member Duncan MacKenzie, Principal of Proskenion Design, whose term as Affiliate Director began in January as the newest of ESTA's 15-member Board of Directors, which also includes Mr. Wood of Mike Wood Consulting, Manufacturer Vice President Tom Young of J.R. Clancy, Affiliate Vice President Mark West of Downhome Production, Treasurer Frank Stewart of Specialty TECH Services, Secretary Erik Magnuson of The MAGNUM Companies, Dealer Directors Tim Hansen of Oasis Stage Werks and Rick Rudolph of Stage Equipment & Lighting, Manufacturer Directors Wally Blount of Columbus McKinnon, Graham Likeness of Pathway Connectivity, and Fred Mikeska of Creative Stage Lighting, and Affiliate Directors Greg Meeh of Jauchem and Meeh and David Taylor of Theatre Projects Consultants.
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