Deadline Approaching to
Submit WSD Entries
Eric Fielding
Director, World Stage Design 2005
The deadline for submissions to the World Stage Design 2005 exhibition is fast approaching. Hopefully the recent postcard reminder is in a conspicuous spot by a computer or drawing board. While WSD 2005 itself is nearly one year off, the deadline to enter is only weeks away on June 30, 2004.
For those still uncertain about participating, here are some WSD FAQs:
What is WSD?
WSD 2005 is a new international exhibition of set, costume, lighting, and sound design. The inaugural exhibition is a joint project of USITT, CITT, and OISTAT and will be held March 12 to 19, 2005 in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. WSD 2005 will be mounted concurrently with the 2005 OISTAT World Congress and the 2005 USITT Conference & Stage Expo.
Who can enter?
Every set, costume, lighting, and sound designer – and theatre composer – in the world can be a part of the exhibition. So far, more than 250 designers from 35 countries have indicated plans to have work exhibited. The first entries have been submitted with more arriving weekly. While this is a nice beginning, organizers obviously hope to have many times that number of designers exhibiting in WSD 2005, including every regular, professional, and student member of USITT who is a designer.
Do I have to travel to Toronto if I enter?
No. While organizers certainly hope you will be in Toronto during March 2005 for the trio of international design and technology events, it is not necessary to be there to have work included.
What do I get if I enter?
Every designer who enters WSD 2005 will have his/her work presented in the WSD Digital Exhibition; will have those designs adjudicated by an international selection jury for possible inclusion in the WSD Gallery Exhibition; will be eligible to win award medals and cash prizes; and will have the work published in both a print and a digital catalog documenting design throughout the world at the beginning of the 21st century. Those who pay the full entry fee will also receive a certificate of participation and copies of both the print and digital catalogs.
What are the awards?
An international award jury will select the top three entries in each of the four categories of set, costume, lighting, and sound design. Each of the award winners will receive a medal, a certificate, and a cash prize. Bronze medal winners will receive $500; silver medal winners will receive $750; and gold medal winners will receive $1,000!
How do I enter?
All submissions must be made via the Entry Information & Form. The easiest way to do that is to visit the WSD website at where information can be read online, or downloaded as an Acrobat pdf copy. Printed copies can also be requested. Designers can choose to fill out the printed form and send it in by surface mail or fax, complete the online entry form, or fill out the new Acrobat pdf e-mail submission entry form.
What design materials do I submit?
For each set, costume, or lighting design entered, the designer will submit three to six visual images (digital images or actual photographs). Sound designers and music composers submit one audio recording and (at least) one visual image for each production.
These materials can be submitted by surface mail, e-mail attachment, or uploaded at the WSD website. The design images and sound files will then be used for exhibition in the WSD Digital Exhibit, publication in the print and digital catalogs, and adjudication by the international selection jury as they determine a number of designers who will be invited to present their actual 2D and 3D design work (or soundscapes or scores) in the WSD Gallery Exhibit.
So, be sure to submit designs before June 30. Don't miss this opportunity to be a part of the inaugural World Stage Design exhibition!
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