October 2017

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October 2017

Call for Papers from the Sound Commission

The USITT Sound Commission is seeking new and innovative work and is soliciting technical and creative contributions. The Sound Commission developed this new platform to encourage the sharing of research and provide an avenue for new voices in the field.

All papers submitted will be peer reviewed- and accepted papers will be published electronically. Selected papers will be invited to present at the “Current Research in Sound” session at USITT 2018. Presentations of papers at the Conference is neither required nor guaranteed with acceptance.

Many educational institutions recognize peer-reviewed papers that are presented or published at the national level as impactful and valuable scholarly contributions.

The deadline for submitting abstracts (60-120 words) and précis (500-750 words) is November 15, 2017. Applicants will be notified about provisional acceptances by December 1, 2017. Full papers must be submitted by February 1, 2018, after which time they will be reviewed by a jury of peers. Applicants will be notified about official acceptances by February 15, 2018.

Typed abstracts should be 60-120 words and should provide a brief but concise summary of the topic of research. The précis should be 500-750 words, and should provide additional detail and supporting information. Web links and supporting documentation may be included.

Submit your proposal, here.

For questions and additional information, contact:

Nicholas Drashner
VC of Research
USITT Sound Commission