Conference & Stage Expo
Special Exhibit Ideas Welcomed

Special exhibitions can be simple or complex, based on the proposals submitted. At the 2011 Stage Expo in Charlotte, North Carolina, the designs of John Scheffler, Harriet Lake, and Gene London were each featured in a special exhibition. The Jig Show made its debut as an exhibition as well.
Photos/R. Finkelstein
Suggestions for special exhibitions for USITT’s Annual Conference & Stage Expo are continuously sought. Those who would like to present an exhibition at Stage Expo can submit ideas to Dan Denhart, Vice-President, Special Operations.

Exhibits tend to result from proposals submitted by a Commission or through the host region of the annual conference. The subject matter of exhibits tends to relate to a specific Commission, although sometimes dual Commission proposals have been supported.
Those interested should talk to the appropriate Commissioners and then submit a Special Exhibition Application. The due dates for Special Exhibit proposals are:
- May 15: Idea Proposals (using the Special Exhibit Application form)
- June 15: Applications Due
- July 15: Full Detail Proposals Completed, including budget
This schedule is designed to allow idea to evolve into a full proposal. Following the acceptance of the proposal, a promotional article of 250 words will be due August 1.
Special Exhibit application forms are available on the USITT website.