Teenagers! Trikes! Yikes! The Mt. Vernon Senior High School Chapter of USITT held its third annual Short Reach Short Riders charity trike ride for Behind the Scenes on Saturday, May 9, 2009. Inspired by Bill Sapsis and the Long Reach Long Riders, 20 Indiana high school-aged riders raised $1,500 for Behind the Scenes by competing in relays, sprints, and the Enduro (.6 of a mile around the high school). The winners of the events were: - Relay - Team Vincent (sponsored by Vincent Lighting Systems)
- Sprint - Joe Schaefer (sponsored by Barbara Lucas)
- Enduro - Jacob Champlain (sponsored by Reid Neslage)
A web video of the 2009 ride can be seen at http://www.srsr.mirrorz.com/ Sponsors for the 2009 ride were Adam Hayward, Mt. Vernon Chapter of FFA, Barbara E.R. Lucas, John McGraw and Lori Rubinstein, Mt. Vernon Chapter of USITT, Reid Neslage, Bill Sapsis, and Vincent Lighting Systems. To Top  |