Stage Expo Sales Manager Despite the shaky economy, Cincinnati’s Stage Expo 2009 was bigger than any other show except last year’s record-shattering show in Houston. There were 116 booth exhibitors and 66 tables, for a total of 182 exhibitors in 28,100 square feet of exhibit space. Thanks to all the exhibitors who made Stage Expo 2009 such a terrific success.
- A.C. Lighting Inc.
- The University of Alabama
- Altman Lighting, Inc.
- American Harlequin Corporation
- Apollo Design Technology, Inc.
- University of Arizona
- Automatic Devices Company
- Bad Dog Tools
- Ball State University
- Barbizon Lighting Company
- Barter Theatre
- Beck Studios, Inc
- Ben Nye Makeup
- BMI Supply
- Boston University Theatre
- California Institute of the Arts
- California State University - Fullerton
- University of California-Davis
- University of California - San Diego
- Camburn Associates
- Carnegie Mellon University
- Cincinnati Stage Employees - Local 5
- University of Cincinnati
- Cirque du Soleil
- City Theatrical, Inc.
- J.R. Clancy, Inc.
- Clark Transfer, Inc.
- Clear-Com Communication Systems
- Cobalt Studios
- Columbus McKinnon Corp.
- Conductix-Wampfler
- Costume Gallery-Newport, LLC
- Creative Conners, Inc.
- Creative Stage Lighting Co., Inc.
- d&b audiotechnik
- University of Delaware
- Dragon & Phoenix Software, Inc.
- Educational Theatre Association (EdTA)
- Electronic Theatre Controls (ETC)
- Electronics Diversified, LLC
- Entertainment Services & Technology Association (ESTA)
- The ESTA Foundation/Behind the Scenes
- Entertainment Structures Group, a division of Steven Schaefer Associates, Inc.
- Florida State University
Focal Press - FocusTrack
- Foy Inventerprises, Inc.
- Future Light
- GALA Systems, Inc.
- The George Washington University
- University of Georgia
- Glimmerglass Opera
- GoboMan
- H & H Specialties Inc.
- Hall Associates Flying Effects
- University of Hawai'i at Manoa
- Humboldt State University
- IALD-International Association of Lighting Designers
- IATSE Local 1
- Illinois State University
- University of Illinois
- InCord Ltd.
- Indiana University
- InterAmerica Stage, Inc.
- International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees
- University of Iowa
- Irwin Seating Company
- Kenmark, Inc.
- Kent State University
- Kryolan Corporation
- Le Maitre Special Effects Inc.
- LEE Filters
- Lehigh Electric Products Co.
- Leprecon
Lex Products Corp. - Limelight Productions, Inc.
- Live Design Magazine/LDI Show
- Louisiana State University
- Lycian Stage Lighting
- Mainstage Theatrical Supply, Inc.
- Make-Up Designory
- MDG Fog Generators
- Mehron, Inc.
- University of Memphis
- Mentionables
- University of Minnesota - Twin Cities
- Minnesota State University, Mankato
- Mongol Global Tour Company, Inc.
- Mutual Hardware
- Necessity's Inventions, LLC
- NetherCraft
- University of Nevada - Las Vegas
- Norcostco, Inc.
- The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- The University of North Carolina at Greensboro
- The University of North Carolina School of the Arts
- Northern Illinois University
- Ohio University School of Theater
- On Location Lighting Systems, Inc.
- Oregon Shakespeare Festival
- The Painter's Journal
- Pattern Works International, LLC
- PCPA Theaterfest
- Penn State University
- Period Corsets
- Plastic Coatings Corp.
- Protech Theatrical Services, Inc.
- Purchase College
- Purdue University Theatre
- RC4 Wireless/Soundsculpture Inc.
- Robert Juliat America
- Rosco Laboratories, Inc.
- Rose Brand Theatrical Fabrics, Fabrications & Supplies
- Royal Caribbean International
- Royal Welsh College of Music & Drama
- Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
- San Diego State University
- Santa Fe Opera
- Sapsis Rigging Entertainment Services, Inc.
- Savannah College of Art & Design
- The School for Creative and Performing Arts
- Sculptural Arts Coating, Inc.
- SeaChanger by Ocean Optics
- Selecon
- Serapid, Inc.
- Shakespeare Theatre Company
- The Shakespeare Theatre of New Jersey
- Shimizu Octo, Inc.
- Show Distribution Group Inc.
- Shure Inc.
- Smooth-On, Inc.
- Society of Prop Artisan Managers
- University of South Dakota
- Southern Illinois University - Carbondale
- Southern Methodist University
- Stage Directions/Timeless Communications
- Stage Managers' Association
- Stage Research, Inc.
- Stage Technologies
- Stagecraft Institute of Las Vegas
- StageRight Corporation
- StageSpot
- Steeldeck Inc.
- Steppenwolf Theatre Company
- Strand Lighting
- Strong Entertainment Lighting
- Syracuse Scenery & Stage Lighting Co., Inc.
- Tech Planner
- Texas Tech University
- University of Texas at Arlington
- University of Texas - Austin
- Thern Inc.
- James Thomas Engineering
- Tiffin Scenic Studios, Inc.
- TiMax Audio Imaging
- Tulane University
- Turning Star Inc.
- Union Connector Co., Inc.
- United Scenic Artists Local USA 829
- Utah Shakespearean Festival
- Vectorworks Spotlight by Nemetschek North America
- Vincent Lighting Systems
- Virginia Tech
- Viterbo University
- Vortek, a division of Daktronics
- Walt Disney Entertainment
- Waveland Press
- Wayne State University Dept of Theatre
- Wenger Corporation
- Western Illinois University
- University of Wisconsin - Madison
- Yale School of Drama/Repertory Theatre
- ZFX, Inc.

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