ESTA Honors Many
At Annual Dinner
ESTA (the Entertainment Services and Technology Association) held its annual dinner on November 10 in Orlando, Florida where winners of the 2005 Dealers' and Manufacturers' Choice Awards, Eva Swan Award, and Frank Stewart Volunteer of the Year Award were announced. The awards were also held in conjunction with the LDI 2005 Show and its awards ceremony November 12.
Dealers and Manufacturers Honored
The Dealers' Choice Customer Service Awards allows ESTA's Dealer members to publicly recognize manufacturers that provide consistently good customer service throughout the year. Dealers cast their votes for manufacturers categories based on number of employees. The winners for 2005 are Doug Fleenor Design, Inc., City Theatrical, Inc., and Apollo Design Technology, Inc.
The Manufacturers' Choice Dealers of the Year Awards offer ESTA's Manufacturer members the opportunity to publicly recognize those Dealers that "just do it right." Manufacturers vote for Dealers in categories based on number of employees. The 2005 winners are Indianapolis Stage Sales & Rentals, Inc., Production Advantage, Inc., and Stage Equipment & Lighting, Inc.
The Dealers' Choice Product Awards recognize outstanding entertainment technology products in three categories: expendable, widget, and equipment. These awards recognize the enormous impact dealers have on the success of a new product, as well as a unique perspective on its merits. In the expendable category, the winner is MATTH-TIE from Matthews Studio Equipment. In the widget category, the winner isLSC-19-WPFC Weatherproof Flip Cover for 19 Pin Receptacle from Lex Products Corp.
SeaChanger Color Engine from Ocean Optics, Inc. won in the equipment category. It is a dynamic new CYMG color changer for ETC Source Four® Ellipsoidals.
Blount Receives Eva Swan Award
Wally Blount, director of entertainment sales and marketing for Columbus McKinnon Corp., received the Eva Swan for his exceptional service to the ESTA over many years.
The Eva Swan Award is presented to a member who has put forth exceptional efforts in time, expertise, and personal resources on behalf of ESTA; been instrumental in shaping and promoting the strategic direction of the association; made major contributions to the realization of the mission, goals, and objectives; and enhanced the value of membership for all.
Mr. Blount's service to ESTA includes the ESTA Board of Directors, the ETCP Council, the Rigging Working Group, and the committee that wrote the Code of Conduct. Some of his most lasting contributions to ESTA are the many training seminars he led on how to plan for and conduct productive meetings
First Frank Stewart Volunteer of the Year Awards Bestowed
The Frank Stewart Volunteer of the Year Award was created to honor Mr. Stewart's incomparable service to the association over the last 18 years. This award recognizes extraordinary effort by a volunteer or group of volunteers during the previous year.
ESTA's past and current presidents gathered to honor the only treasurer ESTA has ever had. Glenn Becker, ESTA's first president, told the crowd, "For most of us, life, as we have become accustomed to, is about to end. Our Treasurer for Life is hanging up his Stetson and riding his motorcycle off into the sunset. Frank Stewart will be sorely missed."
Immediate Past President Mike Wood then presented the 2005 Frank Stewart Volunteer of the Year Award to Rocky Paulson, Eddie Raymond and Bill Sapsis for their work in developing the ETCP rigging certifications. The three led by example serving as tri-chairs of the Rigging Skills Working Group, leaders of the Subject Matter Experts, and members of the ETCP Council, to create the landmark program for the entertainment industry.
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