Big Plans for Inland Northwest Fall Meeting |
The Inland Northwest Regional Section members are excited about their fall meeting this year. It will be held Saturday October 8 in Seattle, Washington. The event will include a backstage tour of ACT Theatre in Seattle, a short business meeting, and a New Product Expo at PNTA in its new facility. The details of the schedule are being finalized and the section will keep members informed.
Mark your calendars, spread the word, and plan to be there! For more details check out the web site:
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Chesapeake EXPO September 17 |
The Chesapeake Regional Section will stage its 2005 EXPO on Saturday September 17, 2005 on the campus of Catholic University in Washington, DC. Designers, technical directors and theatre technicians from the mid-Atlantic region are invited to take part in the day-long event which will feature workshop sessions on moving lights, flying effects, scene painting, CAD and computer-assisted rendering, non-traditional occupations in the performing arts, and numerous other topics.
There will also be a résumé- and portfolio-building clinic; participants are encouraged to bring their résumés for feedback and advice. The EXPO will include a continental breakfast and catered lunch for attendees. For more information, check the Section's web site:
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New England Plans Vectorworks Workshop |
New England Regional Section will sponsor a Vectorworks workshop August 11 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. in an informal learning environment provided at Boston College. The tentative schedule includes:
- 10 to 11 a.m. preliminary set-up, arrival, greeting, getting familiar with the lab;
- 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. a beginning to intermediate session;
- 1 to 2 p.m. break for lunch; and
- 2 to 5 p.m. advanced session.
There are only 25 seats available in the lab so reservations are on a first come, first served basis. Those attending must be USITT New England Regional Section members (at $15 per individual.)
Respond to Crystal Tiala at to reserve a spot. Details on the lab location will be sent in late July only to those who have reserved a seat.
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Ohio Plans Conference, Awards |
Ohio Valley Conference Features a Wealth of Talented Artists
Chuck Hatcher, Vice-Chair for Programming of the Ohio Valley Regional Section, has put together an excellent slate of events for the fall conference. The conference will be hosted by the Theatre Department in the College-Conservatory of Music, University of Cincinnati, on Saturday, October 23 in Cincinnati, Ohio. This will be a wonderful opportunity to tour the newly renovated facilities at CCMU and participate in an excellent series of workshops. The event schedule will soon be posted on the section's web site,
Workshops include: Progammable Logic Code Control for Moving Scenery; Moving Light Programming on the ETC Obsession II; Airbrush Make-up Techniques; Sound Design Tools of the Trade: Looping Software - Soundtracks; Millinery: Felt and Straw Construction; Stage Management "Whose Tech is It, Anyway?" Introduction to Digital Lighting Utilizing High End Systems Catalyst Media Server and DL1 Digital Light; Wig Textures; Costume Rendering with Markers; Short Cuts in Set Model-Making Details; and Portfolio Reviews.
Peggy Ezekiel Award Nominations
Ohio Valley Regional Section members are encouraged to submit and nominate design works for the Peggy Ezekiel Awards and Design Exhibition. Forms can be found at the section web site. Distinguished works will travel to the Louisville 2006 Conference & Stage Expo as part of the Ohio Valley's design submissions.
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Changes in Alberta Leadership |
There have been changes in the leadership of the Alberta Regional Section. Alan Welch is the Interim Chair as well as serving as Vice Chair North. Robyn Ayles is Vice Chair South with DW Von Justar as Secretary and Murray Palmer as Treasurer.
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